


133 6
This will be cool! Can't wait for your posts!
Heyyy! Cute account! Can't wait for your posts! :)
Can u make complicated edits for people
And make a request sheet
To see who people want complicated edits of
This is just a idea
But it would be cool
thx for follow we appreciate itπŸ˜‚πŸ‘­πŸ˜˜
do Alisha Marie!!
and Maybaby
yeah I did that was like when I started
hey can you please follow me I just started and I really like your account too please follow me thanks bye
could you make me an icon?
love your icond
can you make me an icon with a pic of a pink Starbucks drink
Hi Hannah and Rebecca!! Nice to meet you girls!! I'm Shyella. But my sister (who is named Hannah too) calls me Shyrille. You're really talented!
Kylie Jenner