Collage by SorryPC3


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I can’t forgive
I’m not forgiving you
they do but I can’t u. made ppl h8 me and made kk attempt suicide
i dont really know, that was a lot of accounts you made. you’ve had a habit of turning back after apologizing too.
I do have a main btw I already logged out so I made this acc just for answering your comments since I can't get back in
I’m sorry but it might take a long time, tbh never ever doing it again and helping when there are hatepages will help make me forgive u
it will take me a lo n time before I can forgive you
good job bye
You didn't do anything to me but you did to my friends so there's no way I can forgive you! and if ur the same sorrypc that made the original how can we be sure that you won't keep doing mean stuff?!?!
but why don't u just delete it?
ummm... I usually follow everyone but ima decide not to follow this acc.....
Master I will get Makayla dead I promise
Lol I'm talking to my own self again