y'all I'm out here struggling w school why can't i be those smart asians that magically know everything where did that asian gene come from bc i didnt get enough of it


y'all I'm out here struggling w school why can't i be those smart asians that magically know everything where did that asian gene come from bc i didnt get enough of it

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!!!! just to clarify, i am not stereotyping asians, I am an asian myself just not a very goood one
there’s this Asian kid at my school that threatens to eat people’s dogs
he’s joking tho
wow that was random
I hopeI didn’t oofend you
^^^^ there is this guy I know who only listens to anime openings and he kinda makes fun and he kinda embraces the Asian stereotype and HE IS LIKE A GENIUS HOW HE DOES STUFF SO EASILY he's a funny guy
also he's Asian ( fun )