⭐️tap here please⭐️
I'm so upset right now, because I apparently lost about 18 followers all at once. Which also means I don't have 1k anymore😔, so I think PC is having a glitch because that just doesn't seem normal.🙊


⭐️tap here please⭐️ I'm so upset right now, because I apparently lost about 18 followers all at once. Which also means I don't have 1k anymore😔, so I think PC is having a glitch because that just doesn't seem normal.🙊

38 0
What's the name of that font? I really like it!
aww I'm so sorry
aww😢 are you okay now?💕
@1Dand5SOSQUOTES the font is called chasing embers✨
@_icyglow_it's okay, but thank you😌💓
@XxParidisexX yeah I'm fine😌, and thanks for your concern.💞
aw dont worry, i'm loosing followers too, but i think your acc is amaZAYN