Thank you gymnast4ever12 for the 200th follower. Shout out to her!


Thank you gymnast4ever12 for the 200th follower. Shout out to her!

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Could you please follow me? thanks!
that’s cool! I’m really excited since I’ve heard it’s suuuper fun! that’s sad though that you didn’t ge to celebrate your birthday with your family... At least you could celebrate after. unlike me, I’ve never celebrated my birthday before and I’m 12 and in 6th grade too! My parents usually forget, and I don’t really remind them, since they wouldn’t dare anyways. they asked me how old I was once because they didn’t know.
haha, that’s exactly me! I’m sooo shy when people first meet me too! I don’t get in trouble and I’m not too talkative, I’m just weird and crazy! 😜😜🤣🤪🤪
when is your birthday? that’s sad that your parents don’t celebrate your birthday. Happy Birthday for all those birthdays you will get. I’m 11 and I can’t wait to get in middle school! My friends are going to the same school as me! I’m going to tetzlaff!