// click \\
// well I'm depressed for no good reason,, as usual \\
// idk what to name my succulent,, does anybody have suggestions? // @Grace oH iM tHeRe bAbY // r.i.p. me \\


// click \\ // well I'm depressed for no good reason,, as usual \\ // idk what to name my succulent,, does anybody have suggestions? // @Grace oH iM tHeRe bAbY // r.i.p. me \\

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-I really miss my dead hamster,, it's my fault he died,, I feel awful about it :))))
how is it your fault that he died?
@Lee I messed up and he got sick. I'm just regretting it a lot. Since I won't have my phone tonight,, I'll have to be on Instagram and my Instagram frens aren't as understanding as my PC frens. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
so if you have a way to go on Instagram,, my username is @gerardwayshotpants.
bro dude man i have instagram you should add me my username is howellsbooks actually maybe you have already added me and i forgot or maybe that was someone else who knows
oh wow i posted that comment before i read your other comment
alright I'll DM you :) thanks a ton! I think I may have followed you at one point early on.
wow this post is so relatable