T A P <3!! 
Ok so everyone go follow           -Perfect_Pastel-!!! 😊❀️ The next edits I will be making are all part of a song. This song means a lot. So if you want to see someone me more of it get this to 55 likes! Also once I finish the song I will tell


T A P <3!! Ok so everyone go follow -Perfect_Pastel-!!! 😊❀️ The next edits I will be making are all part of a song. This song means a lot. So if you want to see someone me more of it get this to 55 likes! Also once I finish the song I will tell

159 0
thank you, but you're just as amazing
thank you!
and this is so good😱😍😱😍
oh thx!! it's still by Travelust
Once I get a few more entires
no not really
don't be nervous!! I've had many of those trust me
ok do here's what happened-(this will take a while to type)
So, me and her were besties. We literally did EVERYTHING together. hung out every week, texted eachother every day every hour, always sat next to each other, our moms because super good friends, out bros became super duper good friends etc. Then she sort of started changing. she started to be a little mean. like a super mean text and left me in pieces and then profusely apologizing and making up excuses. then we were all good. then we went to that volleyball camp together. She said I did rally mean things to her mom, and ran off crying and left and asked her dad to stop in his work and pick them up JUST so they wouldn't ride in out car with them. her mom always acts like her daughter is the breakable glass doll and everyone else Is the victim. Well, she's not let me tell u that. so before this camp we had a little get together at the park so we could be all good again. I just wanted to be friends with her so I just was like "I'm sorry! Im sorry!" so we we're all good. At camp she wAS SO MEAN. Excluding me openly, whipping her back to me, etc. so I started hanging with this other nice girl. a lot. cuz I didn't know anyone else. so Flowerpower863, got all sad, crying infront of everyone calling her mom etc. she just told everyone she was homesick. everyone was like "oh poor thing, oh poor thing!" so then she acted like we were besties again. ugh. and then after camp she gave me a smile and wave and I didn't smile back. I mean, u can't blame me! and her mom sent my mom a SUPER kind text well about her poor daughter etc etc I didn't return the smile etc etc
And my mom dosent know how to answer cuz NONE of that is true. πŸ˜–πŸ˜­πŸ˜­help
long text not kind**
aw thank you! your so kind! I'm turning 14. do you mind me asking how old you are?πŸ€”πŸ’•
Hopefully πŸ˜