Don't let the muggle get ya down💕

Please vote for me on xbibblez_awardsx

Pinterest || Kayla Gillespie
Pic Chat || KayBre
WeHeartIt || KaylaBG

Use the hashtag #KayBre so I can see your collages 😱


Don't let the muggle get ya down💕 Please vote for me on xbibblez_awardsx Pinterest || Kayla Gillespie Pic Chat || KayBre WeHeartIt || KaylaBG Use the hashtag #KayBre so I can see your collages 😱

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hey! these are awesome!!! also you said you use phonto and so do I so do you mind telling me how to do the sun and the font in the middle?? 😘😘😉💕✨
how'd you make the dots on top?:)