why do I keep hurting people?


why do I keep hurting people?

26 2
daddy 😞 what's wrong
I feel bad:(
for?? :((
people:(it's like I can never do anything right
daddy you have me and yours not making maps upset or sad :-( pwease don't be sadd
daddy please
hey um im gonna go I'll be back..
wait what???😥😥
I'll be back*walks out of house*i need to get stuff
b-but*tears up*don't go daddy what'd I do*runs after you*
you didn't do anything I just need to get stuff*kisses your head and gets in car*
but*sniffles* but y-you're leaving without me..
you can come
*gets in the car pouting*
*looks out the window pouting*
what's wrong*holds your hand
*pulls my hand away* you scared me
*grabs it back*why
*pulls it away and huffs*because! you just wanted to leave and I-I thought*tears up* just forget it
I'm sorry I didn't know*grabs it back
stop it *whines and yanks it away*
see I can't do anything right.
that's not true*pouts and puts my hand on your thigh*
*shakes head*yes it is
no it's not daddy you're the greatest person everrrrr I pwomise *talks like a baby* babygirl loves her dwaddy
and daddy loves his babygirl but daddys not a good person*pouts and drives
yes daddy is a great person!*whines*
daddy where are we going *slides my hands closer to the middle of your jeans*
to the market
*pouts a little*
*gets there
*gets out*
*gets out and walks in
*runs in after you*
*grabs a cart
*tugs on your shirt*daddy
can I sit in the cart *looks up at you*
*nods and stops
*raises my arms*
*picks you up and puts you in
*starts walking
*looks up at you*
*grabs stuff and puts it in cart
*looks down*
*looks at you
*plays with my hands*
*pouts and sits on floor
daddy up up*gets out of the cart*
*shakes head and lays down
Wes please get up*looks at you*
nooo I'm tireddd
then we can go home just get up baby*says softly*
but I need fooddddd
ugh fine then stay there*walks down the isle with the cart*
*lays there and looks up
*puts the cart back and looks at you*wes I'm going home*walks out of the store*
*doesnt here you and lays there
*walks down the street and looks down*he doesn't even want to be with me..*runs home tearing up*
*waits and yells*babyyyyyyy
*gets to my house and goes inside*
*pouts and gets up and looks around
*huffs and sits on the floor pouting*he probably doesn't care or know I'm gone
*pouts and tear falls and sits*why does she keep leaving me
*calls you and sighs*
*picks it up
*says softly*daddy I dot feel good I went home you get your food I'm gonna nap okay?
*pouts*why did you leave me alone
I don't feel good daddy I sowwy I'll cuddle and play with you later just come home when you get your food
okay baby*gets stuff
daddy...um*voice breaks* I-I wanna ask you something
yes princess*gets in line
do you even...want to be with me anymore *mumbles*
yes why are you asking
because you seem so bored with me like you don't want me
I'm not
I love you
I love you to(check my recent post daddy💗)
okay baby
thank you daddy I wove youu
I love you moreee
noooo I do
nooo meee
no no no I do sir 💋💋
noooo I dooo mam*whines
no I do daddy*kisses at your neck*
noo I do princess*makes you feel my abs
*rubs them sucking on your neck*
*bits lip
*growls seductively and makes you feel my panties*
*feels softly
*whimpers and buries my face in your neck*d-daddy
*moans and grips onto you*more please daddy
*rubs harder
Dwaddy ish mwommy bwirfday ☹️
*moans arching my back*