Tap 😊 
No peeking pls!


Tap 😊 No peeking pls!

9 3
heyyy! so when we’re done, we both put it up on our pages, right?
yep. any ideas for a theme?
how about aesthetic outdoors if you’re good with that?
I’m not all that great at aesthetics, but isn’t that what collating is for? so I can try new styles I wouldn’t have tried on my own 😜😜 so yeah sure!
but, could you do the background?? 🥺🥺
a colour theme as well?
how about colors like green and white
that sounds great!
I guess I’ll start then?
what should our quote be?
I did a quote if ur good w that? unless u mean something else 😅
oh, I didn’t see it....
that’s fine, we could always do something else?
no, I like it. I have an idea anyway
woooowwww that’s awesome!