Collage by lemonkisses


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leaving because this entire app hxtes us all . bye.
please stay safe olive.....-ash
thanks :(
it’s nothing just a little sad rn
my dad passed the other night and now it’s just me and my sister
thanks and I’m sorry to hear that:( it’s just hard Bc we recently lost our mum and then our dad
*hugs back* thanks for being here for me I needed someone to talk to
:) thanks your a really good person
yeah...? -Grace
yea you are :)
I’m sorry is there anything I can do to help? how long has he been gone?
oh :(
did he say why? or anything at all?
curls into your chest sobbing-
he shouldn’t treat you like that :(
cries into u shaking a little and my tears soak your shirt-
sniffles pulling away a little- if you wanna go...i-if you need to go...go. -shakes my head- i'll never forgive myself i-if im the one stopping you...-looks down holding myself
starts to cry again and looks down at my ring then back up at you-
-we will be on tomorrow-
oh ok well maybe let him know how you feel when he comes back ok?
hi baby -Bru
*laughs* I wouldn’t mind
hey -Banks
daddy...? /Grace
can you come hold me? /Grace
*laughs* thanks baby -Bru
it’s not letting post anymore right now for some reason we’ve been trying all day but I’ll post one soon -Banks
is there anything I can do to help :( -Christian
hey anyone/bella(single)
can you post babe? /G
of course we can baby (make a bio) -Bru
*laughs* thanks -Banks
pouts- okayyy
can i have cuddles? its been a long day...
yes you can help it -giggles- stop itttttt -blushed
hello, any dominant girls interested in a one night stand?
oh hi crystal I think you were talking to Pablo-Christian
how’re you doing today?-a
aww I’m sorry :/
I’m doing good
you should post a bio :)
hey babe
hello anyone I’m missy/Bella
Maddie?- Christian
hey :)
I have something to tell you
I got admitted
the mental hospital
hey heather im connor :)
dadddyyy? /Grace