Important Announcements! Plz give me any feedback about my acc!!! Luv goldensunshine😘❤️


Important Announcements! Plz give me any feedback about my acc!!! Luv goldensunshine😘❤️

38 0
yayyy I'm so happy for you! you deserve it and way more! I like your style and how colourful and vibrant and happy your edits look. Maybe to change things up a bit try and focus on keeping some simple and maybe make how you arrange the text really neat and precise? 🔥🔥🔥well doneeeee
K thx 💕
Hi bae, I'm running for kacie_pastel17's top collager. I would really appreciate if you voted me as I have no votes yet, tysm bae! Ilysm!💕💖👑😘😍✨🦄💎🍀☺️💞💓🌹🌺😊
I rlly appreciate all the feedback! it really helps me with my collages!
u follow pcs acc and comment which u think shld be! vote for u think is worth it 😊😊
thank u! 💓