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Faves πŸ’‹β€οΈ

240 5
Mackenzie do the handwriting challenge
that is so cute (what automatically pops up into my head is where the star draws the Disney symbol like this πŸ˜‚)
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚thanks @perf-Kenzie
I have the oddest brain ever πŸ˜‚ if you're not busy later on tonight could we chat? πŸ’• I understand if not though 😘 have you seen the classic celebration day? you're sister and Chloe are both getting a lot o support from the dm community! I'm so happy 😍
I mean claddie πŸ˜‚
ya it's true! and You don't πŸ˜‚. ya I've seen it. and we could chat tonight 😘 @perf-Kenzie
yay! I'm so happy to see all of the collages of them together and that people are starting to understand that they aren't mad at each other no matter what happened at the TCAs πŸ’• ok I'll make a chat page later I'm kinda busy until like 5 today 😘 @kenz
hey Kenzie I tagged you and maddie for the funny face challenge and you guys never did it so can you today
hi Kenzie I know this is a long shot but will you follow me on Instagram
if not it's ok
what's up kenz? chat?
jojo and kalani weren't there
you are so cute!