How ugly is Little_Miss_Sugg!!!
She should go kill her self she's so ugly


How ugly is Little_Miss_Sugg!!! She should go kill her self she's so ugly

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Hey, I realise that you are probably feeling ver insecure about something is going on in your life that we don't know about, but that is no excuse for this behaviour!
Do you realise how bad this is?! My primary school friend almost commuted suicide because of bullies like you!!! It may not seem like a big deal to you, but it is! If she takes it to heart and actually kills herself, you would be legally charged with manslaughter!
No one deserves to be treated the way you are treating her! Please, it's not worth it!
Hey... why do you do this to yourself? You know that you shouldn't die, and that you're not ugly. I'm not sure why you're doing this, little_miss_sugg, but it needs to stop. I get that you're wanting people to reassure you, but this is not the way to do it. I know it's you cause of the picture you posted on this collage, the one where you say you're ugly. I looked through your main account and saw that you'd never posted an uncropped version of this selfie, so it must have been taken from your actual photo album. If you need to talk or anything, I'm here! ❤️
Just wait... what?!?!
little_miss_sugg, you needn't think you're ugly, or make a hate page for yourself (if it's actually you...). I just checked and it's true, you've never posted a version of that selfie without it being cropped. Please, you're not ugly and you shouldn't say such bad things about yourself! Tell yourself everyday that you're beautiful.
I'm here as well if you need to talk about anything...
I don't care about her she's just a silly cow
and anyway on her post its not cropped its in a box
Yeah, but you can't save images that are inboxed that come from someone's photo album, PicCollage doesn't let you...
that's not cool somerandomhater
how would u like it if someone did that to u
and by the way you better check my acc because I have done something about it!
little miss sugg you look like a friend I used to have actually and she was not ugly I'm telling you
who ever follows this idiot
needs their life evaluated
somerandomhater you should go and take a long walk off a short pier because that is just mean. little_miss_sugg, I'm always here if you need to talk to me
she's really pretty
I have gotten a lot of people involved just so you know
I'm so disgusted. I clicked accidentally the follow me, you know. Maybe you have problems, but insulting a girl in plain social media can get you problems.
Society intends to create an anti-bullying project to make everyone peacefully arranged and happy. Thank you for ruining that, îdïót.
ur mean
that girl is gorgeous and her dog is adorable!
I think that it's just little_miss_sugg because that pic is nowhere and if it is that's not ok
Zip your mouth somerandomhater!!
hello! mr. dumb and stupid 8 year old! Why do you hate? For attention? Did your parents raise you to be this way? To hate because you feel bad about your own insecurity because you have social problems? I'm guessing your a mentally ill 8 year old. Just so you know it's not nice to hate! Asking someone to kill themselves is rude and you could actually hurt someone... Say how would their parents feel if their kid killed themselves because of you? Did you know that your location, email, name and school records can be traced by Piccollage? Telling someone to kill themselves can get you a 6 year ticket in juvenile (kids jail) where they work you and if your needs cost to much they kill you with an injection... How do you sleep a night? It's rude to hate!So back off! Wanting attention sucks and it means you are VERY insecure! Get a life!
Be quiet and get a life! Reported!
Gosh, somerandomhater you are R-U-D-E
that girl is GORGEOUS and her dog 🐶 is ADORABLE 🥰 so, GET A LIFE!