I'm back


I'm back

13 0
hey ex
imma date your step brother okay I'm sorry but o still love u
I don't care he's a jerk anyway
look do u still love me
I honestly don't kno who I love now
okay babe I'm sorry okay
do u for give me
look I'm sorry I really am and I still care bout I
cause I would have never got worried that you got lost
well I'm just not very happy right now I'm grounded and I punched my brother in the face
I know he told me
cuz he's a duck sometimes and u kno what I mean by duck
it wouldn't let me say it
wats a duck
a boys private part it would let me say it
why did u wanna say it
cuz he is one
on he's not
but why did u punch him
cuz he was on my last nerve
hey it's all my fault Dustin cause I said yes to him so u should be mad at me
not him I rake all the blame
so r u mad at me
I'm tired it's 3:30 am
good night babe
hey Dustin...
sorry bout the break up see Isabel said she was going out with Dustin when I was and then we'll y know