


53 0
OMG ME!! but i cant seem to remember what off.. its on thr tip of my tongue if u remember plz comment on one of my collages
but that boy turned out being in some great movies as well like journey to the mysterious island and journey to the centre of the earth
wait. the one on the left is rowan?????
ahhh!! I loved this movie so much when I was young!! oh who remembers Firehouse Dog?? Josh Hit her son was in that too. I watched that movie literally several times a week
I do!
I do
bridge to Terabithia
me!!that movie made me cry😭😭😭it was so good and so sadπŸ’•πŸ˜­
Oh my god yes!!!
Bridge to terabithia
I love that movie we even watched at school for book project and I still cry every time 😭πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ƒ