We may look different on the outside but on the inside we all wanted to be treated the same


We may look different on the outside but on the inside we all wanted to be treated the same

61 1
This is earth-shattering! I just realized that I've never properly told you how much I love your work and how much I admire you as a person. You're collages are honestly beautiful in every sense, I have a new favorite each time you post. It's authentic, you're just that talented. Then there's your character. I've never seen you type a single foul thing, justified or not. You're so thoughtful, kind, and considerate to everyone seemingly instinctually, without a second thought. You're not nice because you're supposed to be, you're just nice. That's beautiful. Well, I'be properly expressed my admiration now. See ya.❤️
oh my gosh❤️❤️ you are so kind:) you just made my whole day. and I could say the exact same about you. thanks so much💕🌷
what do you think of it?
I commented.
of course you can:)
Lovely quote! 😍😝 This collage is AMAZING it NEEDS to be featured!!!!
thanks again wow your so nice:)
i really like this🌹
thanks so much😊❤️
This is so amazing🖤