


27 8
I know.. 😞 there's a hacker that won't leave us alone..
have you changed your password??
yes πŸ™„
how did they found out?!πŸ™ƒ
I haven't a clue.
dont leaveeeee☹️☹️
I don't wanna 😞
i will be a lonely kai:((😒
I will be a sad soph :((
if you do, then remember i still am yours:) ❀️and only yours.
but won't you eventually move on?.. sooner or later you'll forget about me...
no, i will not:/ i will love you foreversss and everrsss, never gorgetting about you.
I'll never forget about you, either, Kai... ❀️
oml, Sophia:( youre seriously gonna make me cry
im gonna miss you so much.
seriously tho, I am head over heels in love with you. I can't picture myself not being with you and knowing you.. if I have to say goodbye, that will probably be the hardest thing I've ever faced. :/
try to make it a happy goodbye?πŸ˜”like not sad or anything..
yeah, I'll try.. I hope that day never comes tho, I can't bear not having you.
no use.. it'll be sad anyways:( i never want that day to come.
neither do I...
it wont i swear.
and i wont let it happen..ever.
I love you.