Collage by TeenConfessions


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omg... wow i’m so sry that you feel that way. i do know what ur feeling tho. when i was in high school i was the same, ppl only thought of me as the good girl and the girl who always has good grades and her life is perfect and it really sucks bc my life wasn’t and isn’t really like that.
but at the end of the day you have to ask yourself what kind of person you wanna be and if you’d rather be someone who just fits in then yea. but also i do r think it’s fair that schools base you off of that
they should not only care abt tests and scores but who we truly are. i rly hope that On my way! day you get to be seen as who you really are and not just the smart and nice person in your friend group. you should also do something wild or crazy that no one ever thought you would do ... old spice things up. again i’m sry and i hope u have. a good day
*** not on my way!! i meant **one day
Hi, just seen this and yes I totally get it I might do something out of the ordinary one day and see how others react xx