By the way, this is like my first ever sketch of a human ❤️Another drawing. It is Devan Key 🔑 It took me hours to complete but I don't think it looks too good 😥


By the way, this is like my first ever sketch of a human ❤️Another drawing. It is Devan Key 🔑 It took me hours to complete but I don't think it looks too good 😥

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You did an awesome job! 😁👍🏻
awww thank you! I posted on twitter, I hope Devan will like and comment on it soon!
Np! Yas, I hope he does! 😆
It would be a dream come true, if Devan would follow me. He still hasn't noticed the drawing yet, but as far as I know he hasn't been on Twitter! fingers crossed 👍