Went to school in me Celes cosplay everyone listened and obeyed me since I am the queen of the middle school


Went to school in me Celes cosplay everyone listened and obeyed me since I am the queen of the middle school

7 3
I really wanna see you draw if you draw better. oh and why not have Jennifer_The_Furry (the signature) on it?
Your in middle school? Your 11 right...
yea I am 6th grade turning 12 on December
alright I'll draw something really good
that cool but I do pranks based off animes
I don't this is legit
and also somehow made the principal my bítçh
by acting like sailormoon in 5th grade (8th rn)
the principle and my dad are friends so he don't care what I do neither do teachers ask the other furrows that go to my school yourself
um ok?
hm cool
tbh, what up with you and onii*
she insulted me for being fake I am not I am being myself and my tru me I hate fakes