I am giving away this acc to one fan so remix if u want it and I will pick the winner on monday


I am giving away this acc to one fan so remix if u want it and I will pick the winner on monday

13 6
Hi! So I love you so much!!! I really want this acc bc u i apired me to dance and everyone says i look as good as you(which is impossible!)so I really badly want this acc! I hope u consider meπŸ€“
Hey! Can u pls pls pls pls check out ny recent!! Also like it and repost it! If u do then u are a hero! If u dont get that whole hero thing then if u went on my page and liked my recent then u would know!πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‚πŸ™πŸ˜˜πŸ’–πŸŒΈπŸ‘‘
how do I get on it because you said I won but I don't know how to put my ALDC pics on it please tell me in on of my collages
how do I get on this account
i don't know how to delete some one else's account pls tell me
hey could I please own this account I love dance moms and I have never even gotten noticed by one of u guys PLEASE LET ME OWN THIS
me please I love u Kalani and Jojo both of you guys inspired me to be a dancer
how do u guys know this is Kalani