Plssssss send me numbers. Can't remember who I reposted this from so I'm sorry 😬


Plssssss send me numbers. Can't remember who I reposted this from so I'm sorry 😬

23 0
27: idk not really, I believe in demons though
30: Taylor swift ☺️
34, 51 (If you had the chance to go to anywhere in the world for free, where would you go??)
34: da Harry Potter books 51: hmm not sure. I've always wanted to go to England
40 (Taco Bell hehe) 31, 35, 51 (if you could be any book character, who would it be?)
40: TACOS. 31: I could never pick just one! 35: pink and white 51: hmm that's hard, a witch at hogwarts
32: Once Upon a Time, sista!
2: not romantically lol 4: nope 5: NOPE WHAT HAHA 29: Taylor swift 20: yep