Collage by im_a_terrible_person


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ive never met you- I think I know your main (i won’t say though). but anyway. I know you are beautiful. you have a beautiful personality. YOU. ARE. BEAUTIFUL!🌸🌸🦋🦋♥️♥️💘
you’re not a weirdo, you’re beautiful and amazing. I know how it feels having depression and anxiety, still trying 2 deal with it my self. People might look at u while u’re walking through the corridors in school or call u fat or some other shīt but they don’t know you, they don’t see that you’re beautiful on the inside❤️ I hate bullies, I’m being bullied by my own best friend. U have 2 look past that and just don’t care, I know it feels like u can’t do it and it takes time, I know that. Just stay strong and if u ever need to talk I’m here 4 ya! 💕🍀
ok, so I'm the weird girl too. We all are, in some way, craziness, or other, some of us just don't let it show. I was bullied and I also have pretty bad social skills so I get it. Hearing someone say these things to you, look, I've heard them too. People say don't let it mould you but it does, it will. Scars run deep, and it hurts. But forcing you to be yourself in front of others (as it is in your case, not really the same in mine) is not to be ashamed of. Bullying is never right, but just hold on to the nugget of hope that says "No, in all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death note life, neither Angels nor rulers, nor things things present nor things to come, nor powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to seperate us from the love that is in Jesus Christ" (Romans 8:37-39). "God shows his love for us in a that while we were all still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). "See what kind of a love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason that the world does not know us is that it did not know Him" (1 John 3:1). As a Christian we may have differing views on some things, but look, honestly, God loves you so so much, I can't explain. He doesn't look down on you or judge because you are different or bi. He loves you just the same, and so do I. Who are we to judge you? Be brave, and I pray that you come to meet my Lord and Savior and rest in his power and love, restoring your purpose and igniting your strength.
welp, I like ur drawings!^^ Lol not to be insensitive I understand being the weird kid, but think of it as everyone knows ur there, and they acknowledge u, and that’s all. I mean, it helped me get out of anxiety and shyness and now I’m an extrovert 🤗💙❤️👏I really hope u get out of this phase and if u need any advice, I’m here with memes, anime, popcorn, and a blanket big enough to cover the world 😋
Hey I’m a weird gurl that draws furries to!!!!!!
I wish I knew u so we could be friends!!!!😆😆
Don’t be ashamed of who you are.
you aren't!!!!!
I have anxiety too, it’s not like super bad tho. I’ve tried to be the one who reaches out to other people first, and I try to be the leader in groups. It really helps with my self esteem because it make me feel important.
hey, you are a beautiful smart talented funny girl. you shouldn’t be afraid and ashamed of who you are. stay strong💗💗💗
we’re here for you if you ever need to talk
people shouldn’t be staring at you or whispering. If they are that’s there problem that they can’t come to reality where it doesn’t matter who you are. You don’t have to be the popular girl in school. Being the “weird one” as you put it, is totally fine. You’re still a kid and there are a lot of mean ones out there, but later in life they’ll regret their decisions. There will be mean people always, but you need to learn how to not listen to them, learn how to live yourself.
*love yourself