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what's your opinion on the recent shootings in Chicago (the gay club and christina grimmie)
goodbye Mabel
(okay it's fine hi!)
(do you wanna do the irl meet rp rp?)
(should it start with Mabel and bipper of Rachel and Riley??)
(okay) Riley- *hanging out with Rachel and talking about gravity falls* So.. let me get this straight you think bills gonna come back??
Riley- maaaaybe...... HOLD ON! I JUST HAD A BRAIN THING. if everything destroyed from weird mageddon was destroyed.. wouldn't the journals be fixed too??
Riley- *watches her writing in it in amazement*
Riley- *looks up shocked* HOLY CRฤP IT IS!!!!
Riley- I think so. that is acctually really cooool
Riley- GAHHHHHHHHHHHH! *falls flat on face* oof.. *stands up and looks around*
what the..
Riley- AHH! *takes her shoe off and uses it as a shield* DUNT KILL US PLEASE!
Riley- *looks at Rachel and grabs a glass of water and poors it on her trying to make her wake up then looks back at Bipper* hold on... what did you say your name was again??? and what do you like??
Riley- *freaks out* OMG!!!!!!!!! ARE WE IN GRAVITY FALLS?!?
*jumps up and down from excitement and trips off the side of the sidewalk* oof. that was casual. *stands up and smiles like crazy*
Riley- Oh stop the act kiddo we know bills in there. GET OUTTTT
Mabel- *runs up to them* HEY STOP HURTING MY BIPPY YOU BUTTS!
Riley- oh my gosh... HI! Mabel- yes, it's a me, a Mabel. wait how do you even know my name..?! and who are you and why were you hurting my boyfriend?!?
Mabel- WHAT NO HE ISNT MY BROTHER! and in a minute I wanna know who the fluffy bunny they are first. Riley- uh.. I'm Riley big fan nice to meet you.
(gtg sorry. continue tommorow?)
Mabel- show? what show? and that's Bipper, he's Bill's kid and the best boyfriend ever!
Mabel- HEY! DONT MESS WITH BIPPY! *gets out grappling hook* I AM NOT AFRAID TO USE THIS. Riley- oh my gosh.. *looks amazed* it's the grappling hook..can I touch it...
(okay) Dip- um...hi.
Riley- *still with Mabel and Bipper and watched Rachel*'well her dream just came true. Dipper- *awkwardy* your sure giggling a lot.. you didn't get in the smile dip did you...?
Dipper- oh thank God. and that's pretty cool you figured that out.
Mabel- ooooooooh. Riley- YA THINK!? SHES LIKE ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT HIM! Dipper- yeah, me too. my names dipper by the way.
Riley- Pacifica? NO THEY CANT DATE RACHEL AND DIPPER MUST. Dipper- SHUT UP BIPPER! *smiles back at her* Mabel- hoo dang my brother the player.
Dipper- yes. so he's basically calling himself that.
Dipper- she's not my girlfriend..yet at least.. I mean.. uh.. *sweats* nevermind but no don't kill her.
Riley- NO! Dipper - *stands in front of her to guard her* YOUR NOT GONNA TOUCH HER
Dipper- you okay man?
Dipper- yeah..takes a while to get used to. trust me, I know. anyways..wanna get out of here or something and get a bite to eat?
Riley- okay.*walks with them* Dipper- so you two new to gravity falls? Riley- physically. yes. mentally, we knew this place since 2012. Dipper- What? how?
(hi, sorry) Riley-thats a lot of words. Dipper- LOTS OF WORDS ARE COOL DUDE YOUR AWESOME RACHEL!!
Dipper- *doesnt hear her* what?
Riley- ooooooooooooooh... ship it like fedex! *says it so only Rachel can hear*
Riley- jeez, sorry. *walks behind them* Dipper- so what dimension are you from anyhow??
(back) Dipper- reality dimension?? huh, that's interesting. Riley- yeah it's all like..not animated and stuff.
Dipper- you..you do?! dude that's so cool.. well if you like paranormal activity would you two like to join me and some friends on a mystery hunt?! Riley- *gets so excited she can't talk*
Dipper- OOF! oh that's okay! we should probably meet everybody back at the shack. your alright if Mabel and Bipper come right??
Riley- he better not kill us. Dipper- oooookkay.. follow me! *starts running to the shack* Riley- *follows him*
Dipper- were just looking around and seeing if there's anyway bill can come back.
Dipper- *nods at Rachel* yeah.. Riley- OH MY GOD THEY ARE SO CUTE I SHIP THEM LIKE FEDEX AW. Dipper- *looks at riley* no,no, you aren't supposed to who's side are you on here?! Riley- the side of loooooove. Dipper- *shakes his head at her and yells at Bipper and Mabel* ARMS LENGTH!! FOR THE LAST FREAKING TIME!!
Dipper- I see why.
Mabel- what are you guys doing here anyway? are you trying to hurt my Bippy again?!?
Mabel- he is not a rapid animal!!
Dippee- OKKAYY stop fighting lets just all get a long alright??
Dipper- *helps Rachel up* are you okay? sorry about that..
Riley- *looks a little scared but then just follows*
(my brother just got my shirt and put it on and started twerking. that was odd.)
Dipper- GAHH NO!!! *pulls back a tree branch and let's go making it swing foward and knock the goblin out and it falls to the foor* RACHEL?! ARE YOU OKAY?
Riley- wait what? HEY, YOU ARE NOT A NICE BOY.
Riley- Grrrr... WELL YOU LOOK LIE A BOY TO ME SO HA. *crosses arms*
Dipper- oh I'm so glad!! *suddenly hugs her* Mabel- pacificas gonna be pรญssed..
Mabel- Bippy calm down!! I'm sorry..uh Riley.. I'm sure he didn't mean it! probably..
Mabel- oh no..
(gtf sorry I'll be on later)
(yuppity yeppers!)
Dipper- Pacifica it's not what I look like!!
(same that's great)
Dipper- I..uh..RACHEL WAIT!! *follows her* Riley- my names Riley. and you just hurt my friend and that is NOT okay with me.
Riley- I'm gonna..um... *pushes her down to the ground* THAT.IM GONNA DO THAT. Dipper- *sees her and comes and sits next to her and puts a bandaid on her knees* I'm sorry about that..
Riley- well, I mean. you asked for it. Dipper- you okay?
Riley- GAHHHHHHHH!! *fights back* Mabel- oh my GLOBFISh stop it you two!!! Dipper- *hugs her and pats her back trying to comfort her*
Dipper- for what? Riley- jeez, whine much? *kicks her in the head*
Mabel- WHO DO I VOTE FOR?!? I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DOOOOO... Dipper- because what? Riley- honestly your hair looks better with those brown dirt spots in them. doesn't look so..what's the word..fakey..?
Dipper- *turns red* wait what? really? Mabel- Bipper why is that good? girl fights are a very serious matter. seeerioous....
Dipper- don't be sorry...moonwalk your one of the coolest girls I've ever met.. and I kinda like you too.. Riley- OWOWOWOWOWOOWOW!!! *pulls her hands out of her hair and kicks her where it hurts girl style* Mabel- OH MY GLOBFISH I SO THAT ALL THE TIME. I FINALLY LIKE THIS GIRL!
honestly* (moonwalk? really?)
and do* (stupid typing stuff)
Dipper- yeah, really. Riley- hehe, I sure get called that a lot. never by a cartoon tho, that's new.
Riley- good!! bye bye! *waves at her* Dipper- I can like more then one person at once..
Dipper- what do you mean? um..don't tell Pacifica but I think your a lot cooler and nicer and i kinda like you more then her.. (If Pacifica sees this I'm screwed)
(hehe. I SHIPPP YOU GUYYYYS) Dipper- *stands there for a moment* yeah.. *follows her*
Riley- ooooooh... did you two make some chemistry? that's a science word for love..right?
Mabel- I speak fluent love. yes. yes indeed.
Riley-*laughs* Dipper- female me? huh. okay then.
(okay.) Riley- *gets a little closer to Bipper* hi.
(it's gonna get much weirder then just hi. trust me.)
Riley- *scoots closer* I am weird thanks for noticing, but you are adorable! Mabel- EXCUSE ME. IM RIGHT HERE.
(I'm actually trying to do better then I do in real life on here. it's probably gonna have much awkwardness.)
Riley- well. at least I'd be killed by someone that cute!
(sorry) Mabel-*stands in front of him protectively* Riley- *pushes Mabel out of the way and hugs him tightly* YOUR MINE NOW!
(hehe is it bad that I would actually do that, I'm not a creep I swear) Mabel- *pulls Riley off of Bipper* NO. MY BOYFRIEND. NOT YOURS. Riley- *sighs* it was worth a shot.
Riley- oh no... Dipper- you guys could stay at the shack if you want
(awesome!) Riley- you know you love me!!! *grabs bippers hand and hold it up in the air* I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE TO SHARE A ROOM WITH BIPPER. Mabel- grrrrr.....no.
Mabel- yeah, I'd listen to your friend ya doofus. Riley- WHAT DID YOU CALL ME??? Mabel- DOOFUS! Riley- IM NOT A DOOFUS!! *kicks her where is hurts* Mabel- OWWWWWWW *falls down* HEY, THATS MY THING!
Riley- OUCH. *giggles* your cute when your aggressive. Dipper- you can say that again.
(gtg be on soon sorry)
Mabel- thanks Bippy.. Riley- *follows and picks random flowers on the way* Lalalala.. Dipper-*follows*
Dipper- *laughs* soo.... the weather is nice today.
Dipper- *smiles at her* okay.. Mabel- I have no idea.. Riley- *arrives at shack and got enough flowers to make a flower crown and puts it on* YAY.
Dipper- *stands there shocked but then just smiles* Mabel- WHAT?!? blargh. fine. Riley- YAY!!! we're gonna be good friends!! *puts a flower crown on her head and then one on bippers*
Riley- flower crowns a good look for ya Bip.
Riley- aw..okay..sorry I was just trying to be nice.. Mabel- *giggles* okay. but she wasn't wrong, the flower crown did look good on you. *laughs*
Riley- YAY!! Mabel- hehehe.. Dipper- *hears her and runs in there* WOAH WOAH WOAH WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!
Dipper- its okay.. just don't want you being sucked in another dimension or anything.. are you sure you wanna see? it might be dangerous.. Riley- *smiles and waves at them* bye bye!!
Dipper- okay..*holds her hand and leads her down stairs* Riley- they are nice.
Dipper- yeah.. *points to the portal ford came out of* this is where great uncle ford was sucked into bills dimension.
Dipper- woah, your eyes are pretty..
Dipper- *sits next to her and after a minute suddenly just kisses her*
(hehe I thought that'd make you happy ๐)
(YAY!!!) *eventually pulls away* i love you.. wow. I just said that.
(that was a happy faint right??) Dipper- *hugs her back and smiles*
(WOO HOO!!!!) Dipper- wow, thanks..*blushes a bit*
Dipper-uh..okay then.
Dipper- yeah I know.. *stands up and helps her up*
Riley- * making more flower crowns and sees dipper and Rachel and puts one on each of their heads* here ya go!!
Riley- no problem. Dipper- what even is this thing? *takes it off and stares at it*
Riley- it is true. I am. *sees waddles* OHMIGOSH!! WADDLES!
Dipper- I've never known anyone so excited to see a pig before. wait yes I have, she's right there. *points at Mabel* Mabel- what? I DIDNT DO IT
Mabel- you are not sleeping with him!! you guys could stay in my room if you want and I could stay somewhere else. Riley- I'd rather sleep with bipper. Mabel-NO
Mabel- yay! Riley- grr.. *throws a flower at him* Dipper- okay. but NO TOUCHY FEELY STUFF GOT IT?
Dipper- grr.. I don't blame you.
Mabel- oof! *hugs him back but looks kinda worried* is she okay....? Riley- I don't know..hold on. *follows Rachel* hey are you okay?
Riley- DIPPER WHAT?!? HE WHAT?!? DID YOU TWO MAKE OUT OMG!!! Mabel- *smiles at him and yawns* I'm tired...
Riley- SO YOU DID MAKE OUT?!? WOWZAS! CONGRATS! Mabel- love you too..goodnight..*falls asleep on his shoulder*
(I gtg go to bed..I'm sorry....goodnight!!)
(had to I'm sorry)
(they did?! who was it?)
(okay.. well that is odd...)
(yuppity yeppers!) Riley- maybe he's done with dipcifica... and wants a new ship.. RACHIPPER! YAS!
Riley- I uh... *sighs* finneeee... probably.
Riley- *sleeps on chair and says weird stuff in her sleep* lalala puppies.... unicorns... yay... (I'm kind of ashamed. this is how I act in real life wow.๐)
(yeah I guess..) Dipper- *wakes up* Rachel?
Dipper- *walks over to her* no, it's okay.
Dipper- *sits next to her* sure is pretty.. isn't it?
Dipper- what's it like where you come from?
Dipper- wow.. that sucks..
Dipper- *puts his arm around her* it's even better when your around..
Dipper- *does a little side smile at her then kisses her in the moonlight*
(((hehe. so.. your happy? my work here is done.)
(yeah) Dipper- *pulls away* wow so that happened. I really liked that your a great kisser.. wow..
Dipper- *laughs* hehe thanks..
Dipper- *keeps his arm around her protectively and stays up all night making sure nothing happens to her*
Dipper- good morning! sleep well?
Dipper- well... yeah. I didn't want anything to happen to you..
Dipper- *smiles and kisses her on the cheek*
Dipper- *follows her in* yeah.. wait. THATS NOT ARMS LENGTH!
Dipper- NO YOU DONT YOU CANT DO TH- *accedently wakes up Mabel* Mabel- *wakes up and rubs eyes* huh..
Dipper- UGH! *pushes Bipper off of him* fine whatever calm down man! Mabel- *stays quite and just stares at them*
(oh and yeah I'll draw your oc!)
Dipper- *blushes* yeah.. I'm fine..
(no problem)
(I just casually tripped on a penny and fell down stairs. that was a nice feeling.)
Dipper- *hugs her back* it's okay..
Mabel- because he's really sweet and caring and just plain adorable.. that's how.
Mabel- no he really isn't.. you just gotta get to know him.. Dipper- YOU ARE NOT
(hey when you get back sorry I had to go. I'll be on soon though! this is Mabel by the way I made a Riley account cuz.. life and crร p.)
(oh. okay.. that's the whole reason dipper is scared of Taco Bell he's scared of it in real life too and everytime were together someone tells says I'm gonna.. eh ya know... him in the bathroom of Taco Bell. it is scary)
( yeah hahah, very funny.)
(Not if your the one that is told to woo woo with your friends dead body in the bathroom)
( it is not funny. it is deeply disturbing. and then your other friend decides to push you into him and yell "SHIP IT GO HAVE LOVE AT TACO BELL" WORST THING EVER.)
(I AM NOT GONNA GO FREAKIN MAKE LOVE WITH MY "BROTHERS" DEAD BODY. and then one time I was texting him and he said "I'm going to Taco Bell" and I flipped out and was like "NONONO IF YOU DONT COME BACK IM NOT GONNA COME LOOKING FOR YOU!)
(yeah hold on I need to show you this coversaration of the tacos.)
(I like how we just call eachother dipper and Mabel and like never use our real names is great)
( I am the sorry. but hey ya got mean in the virtual world ๐)
( ๐yes it is. less getting yelled at and less jerky jerks and more nice people and video games.)
(yeah sure!)
Mabel- sorry about that.. *follows him* Dipper- *looks at her and blushes*
(dipper never talks to me anymore and I kinda realized today he probably doesn't want anything to do with me anymore and it kinda broke my heart.. he was one of the bestest friends irl I've ever had and now he probably only cares about highschoolers..๐ฃ)
Dipper-*laughs* it's okay, don't worry about it.. Riley- *hears bipper from in the room she was sleeping in and wakes up* LLAMAS WITH CORN HAIR.. wait what?
Mabel- riiiiight. see ya later. AND HE IS NOT AWFUL HE IS AMAZEBALLS, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. *runs to find bipper* Bippy? Riley- gosh what did I even do this time?
Mabel- WAF! *looses balance for a minute then gets it back* WHAT?!? NO WAY JOSE! *pulls out grappling hook* Riley- GAHH! ALL I SAID WAS LLAMAS WITH CORN HAIR JEEZ!
Mabel- oh NUU! Pacifica can't move!! Dipper- huh?
Riley- that is just.. strange. Dipper- *follows her* Dude, what's wrong?
Dipper- noooo........ not really. Riley- ID BE NCE TO YOU!!
Dipper- for what? you didn't do anything wrong... Mabel- *looks shocked but then kisses him back* Riley- *sighs* yeah. should've seen it coming. sorry..
Dipper- don't be sorry for that. I do the Same thing. Mabel- yeah me too..
Riley- *hugs him back* YAY HUG!!!!! and it's okay.. I'm kinda used to it. Dipper- are you serious?!? your the cool one here.
Dipper- SAME HERE! Riley- thanks.. *mumbles* sure doesn't seem like it though..
Dipper- yup.. Riley- thanks.. *does a saddish smile at him*
Riley- *looks shocked and then just stares at the floor for a little while but smiles* Dipper- WOAH! *laughs and hugs her back*
Mabel- why would I be mad at you? Dipper- hehe.. I really like you too, Rachel.
Dipper- *laughs* thanks. Mabel- if you meant for that then no I'm not mad at you. *holds his hand* you did the right thing.. you probably made her feel a lot better. I'm proud of you. *kisses him*
Dipper- *laughs* okay. you can keep it.
(gtg sorry I'll be on super early tommorow morning tho! night!)
Dipper- well, that joke just got you a new hat.
Dipper- *blushes* no problem.
Dipper- oh yeah? thanks, but your the adorable one.
Dipper- okay then , thank you for calling me cute.
Dipper- *hears bipper* SHE IS NOT STUPID!
Dipper- DUDE! *runs down stairs and helps Rachel up* are you okay?!
Dipper- Grr.. *flips Bipper off*
Dipper- and you have every right to.
(gtg.. I'm sorry.... bye.. I'll be on around 5 and be on till well however long I'm usually on.. bye ๐)
Dipper- *growls at dipper then hugs Rachel* hey.. it's okay.. I think it looks great on you.
(why what happened?)
( omg that's awful! you shouldn't be apologizing to anybody she should be apologizing to you! what's this person account name??)
Dipper- Wait what?! Bill..?
(okay.. are you okay?)
Dipper- BILL GET BACK HERE! *runs after him*
*runs up to Rachel* OH MY GOSH ARE YOU OKAY?!
Dipper- *laughs and offers her a high five*
(any time.) Dipper- oh no no no.. *grabs him by the collar so he won't get away*
Dipper- nope.
*grabs his arms and pulls them back to make sure he doesn't get away* what did you get..?
Dipper- okay.. *holds him still*
(my mom doesn't have to work tommorow so I'll be on most of the day tommorow yay!๐)
Dipper- OH MY GOSH RACHEL!! *helps her up*
Dipper- SHรT! RACHEL!!! *shakes her trying to get bill out*
Dipper- GET OUT OF HER AND BIPPER SHUT THE F**K UP! *riley and mabel run in* Mabel- WHAT THE HEY HEY IS GOING ON?!
Dipper- wha.. I CANT HURT HER!
Dipper- BIPPER! that's gonna leave a mark.. Riley- am I the only one that's completely lost at what's going on? Mabel- nope. I'm lost too.
Mabel- *looks at her scared* Wh-what'd he do....? Dipper- TURN HER BACK RIGHT NOW!
Dipper- THERES GOTTA BE SOME WAY!! *burst into tears*
Riley- this is bad.. this is really really bad!! *gets anxiety and flips out like crazy*
Dipper- *wipes away tears* thanks bipper... *smiles at him*
Dipper- *suddenly hugs her* oh gosh you scared me!! *cries in her shoulder* I'm so glad your okay..
(I just got blamed again. great just great...)
Dipper- wait what?!? Riley- DUDE THATS AWESOME! I mean.. not awesome but cool at the same time.. and yea I'll shut up sorry.
Dipper- hey. *puts his hand on her shoulder* you are not a monster. If bipper got through this.. so can you.
Dipper- *hugs her back* Riley- *snaps a picture of them hugging on her phone* shhhiiiipp it.. (I had to)
(be back at like 8)
(hello fellow person of the multiverse)
Dipper- no you don't you look gorgeous
(sorry my minds just being like Spider-Man today. All I can is refference Spider-Man and think about Spider-Man and fangirl about Spider-Man and yeah. this happens quite often. it was about llamas the other day.)
Riley- no they are not they are adorable! Dipper- your welcome.. *kisses her on the cheek*
(my mom is the llama master.. OMG does this make me vice llama master?!)
Dipper- yeah, you should thank her!
(I just Relized that so many people are dying and at any point any time any day we could die.. I am scared now...)
Mabel- BIPPER!!! Dipper- SHES NOT A MONSTER!!! *runs after Rachel*
(oh I'm sorry! i didn't mean to! sorry!!!!)
Mabel- YOU SERIOUSLY DONT KNOW?!? Riley- YOU WERE BEING A JERK! Dipper- *runs up to her and grabs her arm* Rachel..
(IM SORRY!!!!!!)
Mabel- NO!! Riley- I don't like you anymore. *crosses arms* Dipper- I'm sorry he said those things to you.. *hugs her* your not a monster...
Riley- do you acctually mean it?? Dipper- are you kidding me?!? ever since you were here I've had the best time I've had in a long time!! I'm glad you came here!
Mabel- okay.. it's okay... Riley- okay, good. I like you again. Dipper- hey, you can make the best of this. you have powers now! you can choose if you use them for bad or good. and plus those will probably be pretty fun.
(me- why are you throwing all that paper away? Mom- it's old homework, that you didn't do. Me- oh okay, carry on.)
Dipper- *eyes turn pink for a second then suddenly just kisses her* Riley- DIBS ON WALKING NEXT TO BIPPER!! Mabel- what!?! NO
Riley- darn it.. Mabel- yay!! Riley- and because your just plain adorable!!!
Riley- HOLY CRฤP! *yells at them* GET A ROOM!
Riley- sorry.. I didn't mean to...
Mabel- well that is strange. Riley- *waves at her and smiles* whatcha doin there?
Dipper- *plays with her hair* so silky.. *giggles*
Riley- wow I thought people only did that in tv. wait this is tv.. Dipper-*smiles back at her* your smile is so pretty..
Riley- atleast I'll die happy! *touches his hair really quick* YAY! Mabel- grrrrr..... Dipper- and your laugh is like angels. (I don't know how to be romantic sorry)
Riley- *realllly high pichted scream and voice squeaks* SORRY!! Dipper- thanks, but not nearly as perfect as you. *kisses her on the cheek*
(no I'm not your really good at this!)
(oh.. yeah... I guess so..)
Riley- I THINK ITS ADORABLE!!! Dipper- *ignores Bipper and kisses Rachel*
(yeah..your right.)
(yeah I get it..) Dipper- wanna See my chest hair?๐๐
Mabel- *yells at them* LIKE YOU ALWAYS SAY ARMS LENGTH!! *laughs* Riley- Woo they gonna party.. Dipper- you know you do..
(thanks!) Mabel- i was just joking. Dipper- *takes off shirt* LOOK AT THE CHEST HAIR BABY! *there isn't really any there*
Dipper- ah yeah look at me I'm ripped. Mabel- nevermind.
Dipper- gonna be the next Zac Effron. we have matching bodies ya know.
Dipper- thank you. *flexes the mucles he wishes he had*
(back) Dipper- if I can't be zac can I be Connor franta? Shawn Mendez? or.. JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE (I have no idea who I'm even taking about)
Dipper- thank you. but I am now Shawn mendes. YOU WATCH ME BLEED UNTILL I CANT BREATH *sings however the rest of stitches goes*
Dipper- *blushes and smiles at her*
Dipper- I love you too. *kisses her*
Dipper- it's okay. *kisses her again* Mabel- *opens door and sees them* hey guys want some coo- *slowly backs out or room* nevermind.. *shuts door*
Mabel- everything is different now. *looks horrified*
Mabel- Dipper could be a dad that's all I'm sayin.
Mabel- yeah you don't. I am mentally scarred.
Mabel- oh it was bad..
Dipper- *looks up* hi..
(warning- I'm in a really good mood right now so there might be an explosion of randomness here and there)
Dipper- uh.. stuuuufff.....
Dipper- I don't know how to explain it...
Mabel- are you scarred to...? Dipper- *joins her laughing* well that happened..
Dipper- *kisses her back* Mabel- I wonder what there baby will be named..
Mabel- I know dippers 13 and I'm pretty sure Rachel is too..
Mabel- what's wrong..?
Mabel- it's supposed to be I think.
Mabel- okayyyyy... *follows him and bumps into Riley* Riley- oh HAIZERS! Mabel- heyo
(I found the cutest picture of dipper ever I swear it made my heart melt)
Riley- EW EW EW!!!
Riley- that is just wrong.. so wrong!!
Riley- I will.. not now I don't want to interfere with thier... baby making session.
Mabel- yeah.. you'd think that hurt the girl too.. probably feels awful..
Mabel- okay...
Dipper- *looks up without his shirt on* oh heeeeyy.....
Riley- memories of what?
Riley- okkkkieeee dokie.
Mabel- yeah..um.. I'm not sayin either.
Dipper- love. that's what. *kisses her again*
Mabel- *hears him* what..?
Mabel- yeah, I guess so.
Dipper- I love you too.. *smiles back* Mabel- NOPE NOPE I AM NOT GETTING ON THAT GIRLS BAD SIDE AGAIN..! *looks at Riley* Riley- what? Mabel- can you tell Pacifica about dippers new girlfriend ?? please.. Riley- I guess...
(((nice))) Dipper- *kisses her back and runs his hands through her hair* Riley- Okaay..... *calls pacifica* um.... hi pacifca.. so dipper got a new.. girlfriend....
(((brb gotta go eat dinner)))
Riley- *you hear a lot of cussing from the inside of the phone* IM SORRY GEEZ CALM DOWN IM SURE YOULL FIND SOMEBODY! *hangs up and gives phone back to bipper*
Riley- I refuse to repeat it..
Riley- but the one thing I can say.. is she said she's gonna get us all back for coming between them.. Mabel- uh oh..
Riley- I CALLED PACIFICA MABEL YOU DO IT!! Mabel- WHAT?!? fine.. *covers eyes with hand and cracks open the door* h-hey guys? could you.. stop making babies for a minute...?
Mabel- you w-were jigger-jaggering weren't you...? Dipper- NO!!!
Mabel- I'll take that as a complement!
Mabel- soooo... Riley told Pacifica that you two were a thing now.. and she said she's gonna get us all back for becoming between her and dipper.. Dipper- that's not good..
Dipper- no, no it isn't. *hugs her trying to comfort her*
Dipper- she is not better. your amazing and I didn't even really like Pacifica that much..
Dipper- yeah really and thank you, Bipper.
Dipper- don't be. *kisses her* Mabel- Awww!!
Mabel- good. Riley- *comes in* DA KISSS!!!!!!! SO CUTE!
*riley and Mabel watch and Mabel gives a thumbs up at dipper*
Riley- okay.. *looks at them one more time and leaves* Mabel- *leaves*
Mabel- wha... Riley- OH MY GOSH! *laughs* probably!
(um.. Okaay... if you want to. I don't care who does it but PLEASSEEE don't tell AskDipperPines it was me if I do it!! I wouldn't mind doing it. the truth is I ran that one for a while acctually but I don't wanna hurt dippers feelings..)
Riley- same. but what about the narwhals? we would totally be believable narwhals. Mabel- *uses her finer and pretends to be a narwhal* hello I'm mr. narwhal. Riley- *laughs*
( okay thanks, and you don't stink at him but you could maybe be.. I don't know.. who do you want to be?)
Mabel- yeah. they are really mean to.
(okay. you could maybe be Pacifica your really good at her)
Mabel and Riley- okay.
(okay. so maybe we should just not tell anybody it was acctually us?)
Riley- okay. Mabel- this is weird. WHERE IS THE BOTTOM HALF OF THIS SHIRT?!? *looks at shirt which is a crop top* Riley- oh, I have a shirt like that. Mabel- HOW DO YOU SURVIVE IN THIS THING?!? okay let's just go find Pacifica. *walks outside with Riley and finds pacifca* Mabel- heeeeyy gurll..
(I feel bad about doing that to dipper though.. whatever, he probably won't even notice.)
Riley- what is it?? Mabel- tellll us....
(um... maybe.. I know for a fact Wendy would notice that though and I REALLLY don't wanna get on her bad side.. but I guess we can if you want)
Mabel- YOU CANT DO T- Rachel- *puts her hand over her mouth to shut her up* yeah, totes.
( I know but they are kinda like the only friends I have in real life and Wendy is really popular irl and could like.. mess my whole life up..)
(oh sorry yeah)
(yeah your right. we can change it if you want I guess)
Mabel- totally, good luck with dipper gurl.
(yeah.. do you want to change the name of AskTheShack and I'll give you the password...?)
Riley- she wants us to pรฎss of Rachel so she goes full evil so he comes back to her..
(okay.. yeah I'm fine with it nobody else ever used it anyway, whatever... they won't even care, they never do.. anyways what should we change it too...?)
Riley- yeah! *mabel and Riley hurry back to the shack*
Dipper- GAHH! what!?!
Riley- *poors a glass of water on bipper* YEAH! YOU GOTTA GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE!
( is there any possibility we could do the _gravityblogs_ account instead?? it's okay if not..)
Dipper- hey, hey calm down! it's gonna be okay!!!
Dipper- sshhhh it'll be okay.. *hugs her*
Dipper- your right. *pulls away* I'll be back. *runs off to find Pacifica* PACIFCA!!
(okay I deleted all the old post)
(so what should the name be?? and what should we post on here??)
Dipper- hey Pacifica. look. we need to talk.
(gravity falls gossiper!)
Dipper- look, okay. I heard your trying to make Rachel evil cause I'd "come running to you" and all that sappy jazz. that's not okay. you really think I'm gonna like someone like that? I like her now, I'm sorry. please don't do anything to her.
Dipper- like me? exactly. how do you like someone like me, huh? it's the same thing.
(ooooh! we could each be represented by our ocs on there if you want, it's okay if not)
Dipper- exactly. *points at her* you leave her alone, got it? end of conversation. *walks off*
(YAY! should we each post an introduction on there?)
Dipper- *stops and looks foward avoiding eye contact with her* .. because she isn't a jerk.
Dipper- Rachel?
Dipper- YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT! *kicks Pacifica where it hurts*
Dipper- good riddens! *holds Rachel's hand and walks back to the shack*
Dipper- *smiles at her* I love you.
(so are we gonna do the introduction or no??)
Dipper- no, just kicked her real hard.
Dipper- he's not wrong.. *kisses her*
(okay! and idc who makes it)
(oooooh okay!!!! like what would we remix to eachother though?)
(okay! what background should we use??
Riley- *looks out window* AWWW THATS ADORABLE!! Dipper- *pulls away for a second* looks like everybody wants a peek at the Grammy winning couple *kisses her again*
(I'm acctually wearing the outfit Riley has on in the pictures and I'm just like ๐)
Riley- hehe. Mabel- *shouts* YAY RACHIPPER!!!! I think that's thier ship name, idk.
(I'm gonna make the dipper account now too)
(idk what to call it bleh hold on)
Dipper- *laughs* mine too
(idk maybe the bill wheel?)
Dipper- YEAH!!!
Mabel- *claps* that was great!
Riley- wellll.. me and bipper still haven't kissed yet.. Mabel- and your not gonna either.
Riley- sorry..
Riley- WHAT?!? NO!! YUCK!
Riley- that'd be weird.. plus it be illegal for us to date then! *giggles* Mabel- grr
Riley- that can change you know!
Mabel- YAY!! Riley- plan too..!! doesn't mean you will!! you could marry me for all I know!
(I'm in such a good mood I was playing basketball earlier and these girls made fun of me cuz I was a girl doing it then I just kept going and got some baskets and they said "sorry we were wrong" I AM SO HAPPY ๐๐๐)
(omg SERIOUSLY!?!? dude! the first time I saw Pacifica I thought her and Gideon would be cute together! IM NOT THE ONLY ONE ANYMORE!)
(Yah I always knew they would be perfect together. >:D BWAHAHAHA!!!!!! NO MORE DIPCIFICA!!!!!)))
(is it okay I added some filters on the Latest post???
(((yeah it made it really pretty!!!)))
(((your not stupid)))
(((no your not)))
(((dang I'm like multitasking all over Pic Collage tonight XD)))
(((same wanna continue the rp?)))
(((yah let me get back on Bipsticks account)))
(((okay sweet))) Riley- think whatcha want.
Riley- *takes off flower crown and uses it for a shield* DUNT KILL ME!
Mabel- *runs over to him* are you okay?!? Riley- what the heck.. Dipper- woah..
Mabel- BIPPY NO!!! Dipper- the demon thing..
Mabel- NO!!! *cries and hugs his body* PLEASE NO!! Dipper- *gasps* oh my gosh..
( can I post something on the gravity gossiper account about the dipper account??)
(yay! thanks!)
Dipper- hey.. *hugs her* this isn't your fault.. it's okay.. I'm sure he's fine.. Mabel- come on wake up, wake up!!! *cries a bunch* Riley - um.. *starts crying a little* this'll work.. it's gotta work!! *poors water on him* please work!!
Mabel- BIPPER!!! *hugs him tightly* Dipper- see.. he's okay.. it's okay.. *hugs her trying to comfort her*
Mabel- oh.. *pulls away* I didn't mean to.. I'm sorry.....*looks down sadly and feels bad* Dipper- but you didn't!!
(can you make it? it's okay if not your just really good at them) Dipper- AGAIN BUT YOU DIDNT!!!
Dipper- sorry.. just.. look. it wasn't your fault it's really okay *hugs her* Mabel- need some help..?
(um I'm not sure I'll remix it when I figured it out))
Mabel- yeah you do.. *helps him*
(I gtg to bed sorry g'night)
(okay) Mabel- so what.. do you hate Rachel now?
Dipper- hey it's okay. *hugs her again* Mabel- okay.. *helps him and leads him over to the couch* you should probably get some rest..
(oh I'm sorry.. does she still have PC cause I need to f*** her up. you don't deserve this s***)
Mabel- *kisses him on the forehead* it's gonna be okay.. Dipper- *rubs her back trying to comfort her*
(yeah I understand. is it still askstarbutterfly cause I can't find it)
Dipper- no it isn't.. it's bills.
Dipper- well I can blame this on him.
(I can't find her)
(it's now @OfficStarButterfly)
Dipper- no it wont. you can learn to control it.
Dipper- *backs a way a little* c-calm down!!!
(okay that's it I'm getting a freaking Wattpad and giving her a piece of my mind)
(there's already a Mabel on Wattpad right..?)
Dipper- it's okay.. well get through this.. *holds her hands* together..
Dipper- *smiles at her then kisses her*
(I'll be on your side. I might not be able to get it till later though)
( no problem) Dipper- *pulls away for a second* your a really good kisser you know *kisses her again*
(uh oh.. does the websifht work on phones cuz I can get the app atm)
(AWESOME! ITS GONNA BE A BLOODY BLOOD BATH! got carried away sorry.) Dipper-I love you too
(I got an account but it won't let me log in I swear this is the most confusing thing I've ever done) Dipper-*laughs*
(OOHH that makes sense okay) Dipper- *smiles at her* well im honered to be that person.
(okay I did it and apparently I'm a cow how do I change this)
( IDK IM CONFUSED) Dipper- *smiles at her*
(okay thanks. how do you change your profile picture cause right now I'm a cow) Dipper- *puts his arm around her*
(oh okay well I'll do that later then) Dipper- your beutiful, ya know.
(sorry.) Dipper- well, thank you.
(oh okay) Dipper- *laughs*
(k) Dipper- *laughs and pokes her back*
(holy crรกp.. um. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO?!? DONT LISTEN TO HER?? IDK!)
Dipper- that's alright.. *laughs*
(okay..are you okay..?) Dipper- thank you. your really pretty *kisses her*
(do you need anything? idk what I can help with but if I can do anything to Brighten your spirits let me know..) Dipper- *goes red* yeah..
(are you sure..?) Dipper- I think your weirdness is adorable
(.. I do..) Dipper- don't be sorry.
(okay.) Dipper- no it's really okay.
Dipper- *stand up and helps her up*
(((no it's not. I don't see it on her account and I don't really care she can think what she wants))
(((okay. it's fine don't worry about it.)
(did she say that about me on PC or watt pad?)
(((okay. well then I'm not even gonna look I don't even care)))
(((dont be sorry you didn't do anything wrong)))
(((it's really okay though I'm used to people being jerks they can't get to me)))
(((okay, thanks. are you still gonna use Wattpad?)))
(((okay.. I know it's your choice and all but maybe you shouldn't I mean it's been hurting you a lot latley..)
(((you can if you still want to but doesn't it kinda suck when it makes you sad all the time??)
((( ๐ no problem, I'm happy I can help!)))
(((you telling me that made me the happiest person on the face of the earth)))
(((thanks! your my vbf too!!)))
(((IM SO HAPPY NOW WOW! I haven't been this happy since.. IDEK!!!๐๐๐)))
(((well then HAPPINESS FOR RIGHT NOW!!!)))
(((hmmm... idk... we could talk about this roleplay were doing right now and tell everybody the story line of it?)))
(((or do you have any rp ideas you wanna talk about??)
((( huh. I don't know..)
(((THIS AINT A SCENE ITS A GOSH DAM* ARMS RACE!!!! sorryyyyy.....)
(((it's a song it was stuck in meh head)))
(((yeah. do you like fall out boy???)))
(((YASS!! *virtual high five* That songs by fall out boy, you should check it out its acctually really good)))
(((okay I'll.. live yeah I'll live.)))
(((I have another idea we can posts daily edits for Gravity falls and stuff!!!!!! :D and contests!!!!)))
(((that'd be awesome!!!)))
(((hehehe we could take turns posting if you want or just post whenever))
(((we can take turns!!!!! :D next post is yours)))
(((okay! idek know what to post though :/ )))
(((edits, Gravity falls stuff, drawings, ect. OH DID YOU DRAW MY OC AND DIP DIP YET!?!?)))
(((I'm really close to finishing it!!)))
(((*squeals with joy*)))
(((hehe I just thought of dippity doo da dippity day)))
(((everytime I see somebody eating Dippin dots I'm just like "YOU MONSTER THATS CANNIBILISM!)))
(((sshhh nobody ate supper it's okay...)))
(((dipper^ I made it worse didn't I :/ )))
((( sorrrrrrrryyyyy.................))))
(((I don't know. hold on. are you gonna make her nice like the other Pacifica did or still mean??)))
((( I don't know, which ever one you want)))
(((oh okie dokie)))
(not sure, hold on I'll check))
(what's your thought?)
(oh okay)
Dipper- *awkwardly stands there and starts whistling then just kisses her*
Dipper- *puts his hands around her hips while kissing her* (I am gonna put as much rachipper fluff I can in here to try and bring your spirits up so get ready for LOVVVE)
(no you aren't your really good at it acctually. I have no idea what hands around the hips means I just saw it in movies and thought "eh why not")
Dipper- *pulls away and smiles at her* your the coolest girl I've ever known..
(well then.)
( I DONT ITS ONE OF MY OTPS) Dipper- no she wasn't she was stupid she smothered her face in make up and wore skirts so short she could have been from Jersy
(i know. I am too)
Dipper- well, yours is gorgeous. hers is.. bleh.
( i never shipped it either tbh)
Dipper- your welcome, mrs.Perfect
(just cause of that? daaaaangg... i give into pressure pretty easily with my friends cause I'm so afraid to loose them and Wendy was begging me to ship it so I did..) Dipper- *giggles* yeah, I guess it would. AMERICAS POWER COUPLE!!
( yeah..) Dipper-*smiles at her and puts his arm around her* well I'm glad you do.
Dipper- *looks at her and laughs* G'night
Dipper- *keeps his arm around her and eventually falls asleep as well*
(dipper wants new friends. wow so the only person irl that I thought cared for me just a bit doesn't. broken heart activated* Mabel- what they doin in there??
(no don't. he's just moving he just said he wants new friends.)
Mabel- you okay?
(don't let him. idk I'm kinda done with this trying to make friends crร p I've never even kept one..)
Mabel- are you sure..? Riley- *comes in* WHO WANTS COOKIES??
( he was the only person irl I could acctually talk to and now. well now I guess I just gotta keep everything bottled up I guess. he can probably make better friends then me anyway. funny to think I acctually believed someone cared. )
Mabel- ooh okay! Riley- *gives them both a cookie*
(thanks.. ๐)
*you Relized the cookie is acctually burned and not good at all*
Riley- *looks a little sad* did I mess it up again?? sorry...
(yeah.. has she officially left yet didn't she say she was gonna post one more thing??)
Riley- like what??
(really?? I can't believe that.. I'm sorry.) Riley- THANKS!! do you want some more?? I can make some more!
(all the time.) Riley- aw, okay..
(you okay?) Mabel- I dunno..
(hmm... would a virtual hug help..?) Mabel- okay. we can do that.
(okay. *virtual hugs you*) Mabel- I don't know.. more fluffy stuff? I'm not sure.
Mabel- *smiles and kisses him back*
(((same.))) Mabel- *puts her arms around his neck and French kisses him happily*
(gtg to bed goodnight! I hope your okay. I'll be on tommorow)
( that is very scary..)
((DONT DIE! that is weird... *giggles like a dork* doodle bob.. that's the best name I think I've ever heard..๐๐)))
((same. r.i.p. us)))
((BWAHAHHAHAHAHAH I CANT.. I CAANT OMG *laughs like crazy*)))
((sounds like something from blues clues)))
(((that is truly scary.)
(((there's a creepy person in meh backyard.. I think doodle bob has found me..)
(((hehehe.. seriously though I was outside and someone came on my porch making squirrel noises. IM REALLY SCARED))
(((there is. I'm not even kidding)))
((what??? did I do something wrong?? sorry??))
(((WHY WOULD A SQUIRREL BE OUT AT 9:50?!???? they are morning animals)))
(((ohh.. okay.. oops..)))
(((hehehe. my wifi only works outside so I'm gonna have to deal with this squirel. it's so dark omg)))
(((okay... sorry about that. it's your turn)))
((nice use of faces! and I will if anybody tries to get me I shall kick them where it hurts.)))
(((HAHAHHAHAHAHA DOODLE BOB!!!! I will make sure too!!)))
Mabel- *giggles* your so adorable..
Mabel- *blushes* thank you..
(((oh my goodness good job it's beutiful!!)) Mabel- *smiles and suddenly hugs him* I love you..
Mabel- no.. *pulls away and boops his nose* I love you more!!
Mabel- *giggles and kisses him again*
Mabel-*stares at him and blushes and thinks to self "take the shirt off, take it off"*
((I had too)))
Mabel- wait what?!? *turns red from embarrassment* I uh.. oh gosh.. *hides in sweater* I'm sorry..
Mabel- *peeks out of sweater and blushes like crazy* hehehe.. because it's reallllly cute..