Credit to semour2004


🌴🐬🌴 Credit to semour2004

164 2
love this!
what app did you use for this? how did u make it?b
ignore the b
I made something a little like this except yours is waaaaaay better than mine.
awe! thx!
omg, i got 66likes and 6comments
thank you! You deserve one too.
This is AMAZING! Would you like to be on my PC Olympics team? I'm probably going to need more people and you would be an amazing addition to the team! Also, don't feel bad if you want to say no!
sorry I'm already in a teamπŸ˜…
I'm sooooo sorry but I can't I'm already on another team😭 I wish good luck to your team though!😍😘
That would have been totally fine! but yes we already have 5 members so yeah...
also, I'm not sure what our team name should be. I think LilLove is creating an account for us. we can figure out tomorrow who will remix the entry to PC.
what should the team name be
here's the entry, hope you like it!
Yup! I already did! So, we have a collage going in the remixes of stardust's post, but LilLove doesn't like it, so I'm not sure what we are going to do.
Can you please add your hobbies to AlwaysAnAnimagus's remix on Stardust--'s collage? Ita due tomorrow, so we are really pressed for time.
I have an account for all of us teammates can go onto to talk about and edit our entries. Tell when you're on and if I'm up, too, I'll give you further information. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘βœŒπŸ‘Œ Dont worry, I told everyone else.