I seem chill but internally I am screaming


I seem chill but internally I am screaming

40 18
I'm so happy like its a really lame thing to be happy about but like
but hOW
idk man I just
"It's just a band" yoU UNDERSTAND NOTHING
That's such an edgy thing to say but it's true. It's Waterparks.
I kinda sad though cause my parents don't know that I like them so I can't get merch or anything
I have the same problem. Plus my mum doesn't trust "foreign sites", so I can only get stuff off Amazon which doesn't sell Waterparks stuff so.
yeah igy. I need to tell mine that I actually like them at some point. they have no idea what music I actually like
Yeah same. Like I don't think my dad really knows what music I like, but my mum kinda does? Idk she thinks I just listen to a lot of like metal and screaming, which probably only makes up like 25% of what I listen to. But yeah if she's ever like talking to someone about me and they bring up music or whatever she's just like "Oh I don't know what she's into now she just listens to really weird music"
I know what you mean. I might just casually drop in that I listen to this really great band and I need their merch like asap
Actually yeah same. "Nice weather we're having, it looks like a nice day to go to a waterpark or something" "Oh yeah Waterparks they're pretty great tbh also some of their merch would be nice yeah thanks"