Collage by SavageLife_Teens


15 7
Brooklyn, umm i'm not your girlfriend but i hope she feels better and i hope you guys come back soon..i'll miss you..
um, hi anyone 🙂
i love you brooklynn... -alayna
hi daddy *smiles* don't worry about him. that's my best friend he sorta has a crush on me but don't worry I'm not going anywhere 🤦🏽❤
no problem:)
well i might leave
he likes me ...
i just feel superrr lonely and i'm Wasting your time.
idk.*looks away*
why brooklyn! it's not like everyone will be sad that i'm leaving or actually care!
Well *shrugs* he's my best friend
Why ? cause he likes me ?
just never mind brooklyn
*rolls eye* i can tell him we can't be frie D's.
*rolls eye* i can tell him we can't be frie D's.
^ *rolls eyes* i can tell him that we can't be friends... but he's my neighbor 🤷🏽
brooklyn don't cut yourself if i leave i'm not worth it..
don't cut brooklyn! i care about you way to much..i won't leave just please please don't cut..*looks down*
i swear if you cut i'll cut. so don't cut. *half smiles*
you better not. don't forget i got my knife.
good *laughs* so about our trip to walmart
*runs with you* i'm throwing glitter at you
i ammm! *laughs and takes your hand to the arts and crafts* ready? *picks up a container of pink glitter*
*opens it* 3..2..1!! *throws it all over you and laughs hard*
*laughs and chases you with flour*
*covers you in flour*
*covers my eyes as they start to water* ah shît
*laughs and squeals* BROOKLYN RUN
*laughs* okay brooklyn but my fat ašš down i got sugar in my eye
*turns away from you and eye waters and rubs it*
yes. i'm fine. *rubs my eye*
*sighs* okay..
thanks. *moves my hair behind my ear* BEST FRIEND POST
I'm fine