I'm going to the doctor today (i'm terrified of doctors h e l p) so hopefully they'll figure out what's wrong with me


I'm going to the doctor today (i'm terrified of doctors h e l p) so hopefully they'll figure out what's wrong with me

27 6
How did it go? I hope everything's okay
And maybe a random question, but is that you in your link?? If so, you're pretty and cute 😊
Thanks! And I'm fine with doing anyone! 😊 My faves groups are Exo, Seventeen, BTS, Got7 and Astro so anyone from those will be fine with me!
Oh and when is the due date for your contest?
Wow I hope it'll start working soon, I already hate having a headache but migraine must be way worse 😟
Naaah you don't look dumb, you look rather happy ^^