These are the teams so far,Dan still needs a back-up,Jen needs 2 more and a back-up,Daniel needs 1 more and a back-up,and both team Zoe and team Phil need 3 more and a back-up and it would mean a lot if you could give shoutouts for my games!! Thanks!


Tap These are the teams so far,Dan still needs a back-up,Jen needs 2 more and a back-up,Daniel needs 1 more and a back-up,and both team Zoe and team Phil need 3 more and a back-up and it would mean a lot if you could give shoutouts for my games!! Thanks!

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follow my BEST FREN Lattee_ please she's going there a lot of hard times and needs some love❤️ it would mean the world to me👌
phil pls