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bruh seriously?! you have been here for like 3 months trying to get people to kill themselves and now you think everyone will be your friend? think again sir, think again.
i’m very much confused
do u have a main acc on PC?
yeah? I was wondering the same thing. 🙂
never mind
hasent sorryPc said sorry like 1000 times?!😂
if i'm gonna be honest... what you did was not right at all, but as long as you are sincerely sorry, i might be able to forgive you for all you did to amazing people. i believe in second chances, and i hope that you one day find a way to make amends with everybody else. i would love to be friends with you if you change your ways <3
I was asking if u had a main because I know a liam on PC and im 99% sure its not him but i'd still like to know pls and thx
it's ok
I’m a little confused about the whole situation, but I know everyone deserves a second (and third, fourth, fifth, etc.) chance
I can forgive you, but it wasn’t right that you didn’t stop h8ing on ppl. if you are truly sorry, you won’t do this again
I don’t think I can forgive you because you’ve scared/hurt a lot of people
this is Hana on my main
I’m not excusing your actions,though. What you did was wrong. However, you now have a chance to grow; to mature, if I may put it. If you are Liam, 13, well, have I got news for you. It definitely gets harder from there. Future employers look through socials to see what kind of person you are. Now is your chance to put this behind you and change for the better. it will make your future self better
succ a lemon little man
forgiveness my BOOTY you’ve been a twerp to too many people