i'm pouring tea in the harbor with you :))//France🌹
i forgot to make a birthday collage for my favorite son so here's my second favorite


i'm pouring tea in the harbor with you :))//France🌹 i forgot to make a birthday collage for my favorite son so here's my second favorite

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ok that was kinda mean, but whatever! thank you so much! love you Francyyy
Oh yeah. It's THAT day......
Why? Hm, doesn't Alfred prefer SODA? *eye twitch*
What's the MAGIC word, you prat?
....Ugh, fine. *hands over le tea*
Grrrrr *^*
yeah y'all better know what day it is *smirks*
and you wonder why i didn't get you a birthday gift
because you're an insufferable bastárd
says the bastárd himself *hmph* (; ̄ェ ̄)
hAH. I'm his favorite 💯((Arthur and Alfred, can you guys just fûck already -.-))//🇨🇦