I'm quitting pc


I'm quitting pc

13 0
I have two haters and I am literally crying right now
why please don't
don't let the. bother you
they said that they would hit me with a bus
it's called xdonuts_hatepage
and another one called xdonuts_sucks
and another one hate_page
I responded to them
thank you guys so much
Don't quit though! don't let a few insecure jerks ruin your day! hang in there!☺️ There is so many more people who love you and will stand up for you! Don't cry! You need to ignore them.😉you'll be ok I promise
I'll think about it
I will help you
I'm glad that there are nice people like you in the world
read through the comments
please don't! you are a wonderful person!
you are the mean one to them
what are you talking about