Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!


Merry Christmas!!!!!!!! 😘 ❤️💚❤️ ❤️🤍❤️

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hiya- so basically I have a Christmas icon at the moment and I would love to get a new one I would like as many people possible to enter this icon contest so please could you help me and join this thank you so much for reading this comment I hope I’ll be able to see you at my account due 1st January thanks merry Christmas xx🥳❣️🤪 -Unique_vibes
Merry Christmas!!💛🖤
❄️ Hello! The Prizes for my Christmas Contest is in the remixes of my Results post! (I’ll try to get them to you ASAP!) ❄️
re: thank u
💜 The Final 3 for my Username Change is up! Vote for your favorite! 💜