-taken by Jesse🤤
-Dae, Lucas, and Luna❤️
-no friends
-don't really need any:)


-Dakota -taken by Jesse🤤 -Dae, Lucas, and Luna❤️ -no friends -don't really need any:)

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A'ight Tristan,i really do not like Luke being with you,so listen. You must take care of him,like he is the only guy one the planet,if you do not take care of him,i will make him break up with you. you really do not deserve him,you are very lucky i am even letting him date you.
hm,me too
oh,'m sorry
who said i didn't care 'bout you?
'm trying to move on,i am upset that you have a new boyfriend,it will take time
if you are leaving,that means i can leave
i don't either
i basically only talk to her about Lucas,she is an ex friend of a sibling
yea,i know
you have me?
i haven't spoke to you 'cause i have been busy,was in hospital for three days,mental health course again for four days
it's fine,dw about it x
hm,i will not force you to stay if you do not really want to,but it would be nice to have a friend around. but if you do decide to leave,i want you to know i love you,i miss you. thank you for taking care of sober dylan and loving him. but it is your decision. i have no control over that❤️x
what hurts? x