and you know he'll love you back, the minute you dare to ask, because you've been in his heart since September rains came back


and you know he'll love you back, the minute you dare to ask, because you've been in his heart since September rains came back

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you know they broke up right?
that's what the whole Brenda Collins thing is about
yeah ik they did! yes exactly
but I'm scared
sometimes I feel like I'm not smart enough or good enough for Jake you know? or pretty enough or anything like that. it's really stupid but Jake is gorgeous. he's what everyone aspires to be. he's smart, he's a writer, he's kind, he's so good to his family, he already makes money, and he has the sweetest heart and the mildest temperament
sometimes I feel inadequate, really
inadequate to his app girlfriend?
and I agree with all those stuff you said about him but you're good too, Ali. idk why you have to feel scared or inadequate
hęll no, not her
idk why he hasn't chosen me over her, she probably gives a great PC bløwjob but she also broke his family and his EIGHT YEAR OLD SISTER's heart
did you know that?? about avie?
no I feel inadequate compared to his friends. he's got smart, amazing friends who won writing competitions and he can go to and write with or talk with in that poetic way he does.
okay good and no what about avie?
broke her heart what?
none of them mean more to him than friends you know? sometimes you just have to trust that. I feel that way about Kay most of the time (don't tell her, my reputation's at stake)
Jake had a party last time he came over and it SÛCKED bcuz he ignored everyone there to text that gf of his, and he flat out ignored avie when she wanted a story read to her and wanted to show him her drawings and wanted to spend time with him. he gave that time to Julia
I know but I was talking to belle the other day and she was like "it was kind of a wonder Jake McAll and Brenda Collins didn't get together. they would've made the cutest couple"
like bîtch???? BÎTCH?
I heard about that but not about the Avery thing
Jesus he needs some help, there is no one in this entire lifetime that will ever shower more love and respect on him than that kid
that makes me sick. does A even know about his gf?
dáaaaaaaaamn 😂😂 dude let's be real, they'd have made a good couple BUT they didn't and that's the point
Wait and Andy you feel inferior to Kaylah's guy friends?
trUTH at its fULLEST
Kaylah said she still remembers that poor kid crying
she did and apparently she used to like her lol but then Cammi injected the venom lololol
ughhhhhh I felt inferior to Brenda who was smart AND hot
yeah I guess
ahh that's so sad. poor kid
noice 😂 you don't need to feel inferior, I didn't even know you felt inferior to anyone least of all Brenda
aw Andy! but you're so hot! and so fun to be around
I know? she despises his gf now because hello
I feel inferior to Amber. do you know who that is? the girl Jake won first place tied to for that Payton thing
yeah but Kay's different, I feel like that isn't enough
dämn-she did kinda break his tiny broken family into further pieces tho
yeah he told me about her. Ali you don't NEED to feel inferior to anyone. none of these people know that much about Jake
Kaylah adores you, you don't even know
since freshie year
poor ashley, she's so uncomfortable w everything. did this chick really need to mess up his life again like come oN
i miss him. everyday of my life. I see him walking by with his friends or writing or that time he read his poem out loud at that slam, it makes my spine get chills
yeah, I wish I could be more for her
freshman year?
I feel so bad for Ashley though, the most, yeah. she really had all these hopes and idek
come to the party next weekend, and tell him
i respect your privacy, carry on
ali is that Rubin? where did you guys go without me?
I appreciate it, and idk some amusement park, i went w ru and evie and sienna
you're enough for her!!
i honestly feel so horrible. I just want to go give her a hug tbh
I'm not coming
yeah but what about Steve
last time she saw me she hugged me and cried and was like I miss my little boy and I felt cråppy the rest of the night
the hęll you mean, it's at your house
Steve is extremely overprotective over Kaylah. he literally likes Kaylah more than me
oh my gosh, she did? poor Ashley.
I can't come, it's just too many bad memories
I think it's because he thought you were all set w Jake. he likes Jake so much more than me
Jake's his long lost son
she did, like legitimate sobbing, she wouldn't let go of me
Ali, no
Jake's a gentleman, that's why
he doesn't show up drunk to people yard's and sing Celine dion
what did you do?
I can't come, I'll have to drive with Jake and I can't do it
oh please she loves my Celine dion impressions, she dies over them
she wanted me to come sit inside and she just wanted to vent about Jake so I awkwardly listened and afterwards I played with ave and that dog for a while
Ali, please come, it's going to be weird without you
she does 😂 what did she say about him? Awwww
moment of silence for guys that play w dogs and children 😍
i really really can't 😁 i just can't picture him with her it makes me sick inside
don't worry I won't read the conversation- I just want to know why I wasn't invited??
thanks Jake and oh if I had taken you instead of sienna it would've been like a double date
just that she missed the old high school Jake who clearly had ambitions and was willing to do things for the family idk I don't remember half of it I just felt really really bad for her
you can't not come. are Fynn and Meg coming too?
gotcha, don't worry about it, I was just joking around :)
aw gosh. I feel her pain, we all somewhat miss high school jake
just Fynn, Meg's visiting family elsewhere
#awkwardcarride but honestly I'm not going. Kay will do everything herself
I miss high school Jake mostly because he lived close by😂 but there's so much drama now with you feeling all insecure and shît like you don't need to, so fûcking chill
that's kinda awkward 😂 yeah I know Kaylah can but you need to come lol, we all do this thing every year
i do though, I'm no one special
it's pretty evident good looks don't matter to him based off the last year of his life
I'm breaking tradition and staying home and watching Lindsay Lohan movies
oh come on. that's got to be a joke
yes good looks matter to him, come on. don't be stupid, and would you come if Jake asked?
I'm not special to him, not anymore. he doesn't look at me like he used to. he said he wanted everything with me. he said so
no I can't look @ him, it makes me sick.
I know but you did cheat on him
that really hurt him, Ali. you know how he is with people leaving
he doesn't make you sick, his lifestyle does. he's a good guy
my own baby sister, Kaylah, she was going behind my back to Julia this entire time
I feel so hurt
i could never be more sorry for anything in my life. it was such a mistake. such a mistake. I'll never find someone like Jake again. and yeah basically
yeah that really bothered me
i did talk to her about it and she said she stopped and she had no part in any of it
that was a pretty big mistake, I agree. Ali PLEASE come. please please please please please
she's a liar she would tell Julia shît about me
and Julia just cries to Jake who then has to awkwardly text me to stop and then we fight and Jake goes "god okay, fine"
no, Andy :( I really don't want to, none of it is worth it anymore
that kinda sûcks for him though, to constantly have to play mediator
sometimes I feel like we all give him hęll, and she gives him hęll, and he's kinda living in permanent hęll
now you just sound like Jake
really really, and yeah it does. she gives him far more hęll than we have ever given him in a lifetime of knowing him
in just a year she has caused his mom's trust for him to completely vanish
and how many levels do you think his relationship bumped down his relationship with Avie and Cammi?
I know
actually true
i don't think I've ever given Jake that much hęll, it was basically just that time we fought when he didn't tell me about AppGirl
and then obviously after but only bcuz I want the best for him; and a lot of levels I think, especially with Cammi, who was kinda down towards the bottom rung of the ladder to begin with
please show up, I'm begging you
that was an awful fight
I thought you guys were gonna throw punches
me 2, and yEs Cammi and I talked about it a lot and she got really emotional and upset about it.
I'm so sorry I can't
I wouldn't, not at Jake
she did? that's hard to imagine lol, what did she say?
Ali, what's it gonna take? how do you think you're ever going to be able to even interact w Jake unless you talk him at this thing?
I know that
it's sweet
just that she lost jake, idk. all this sad shít. stuff about her dad and all this girl stuff. mostly Jake though, and how he's drifting
I can't, I'm scared to talk to him
that's sick
he is drifting
dude come on. why?
I know he is, and it's affecting his fam& friends in the worst way possible
this is going to sound super stupid
you know how Jake's eyes kind of like really suck you in, like they're really mesmerizing and pretty
I'm literally afraid to look directly into them. idk
especially now because he's with her, I used to love looking at them
it is
sure, yeah 😂
oh wow
you think if you look at his eyes something bad will happen?
I might be forced to kiss him
word of caution, that may make things worse because it's Jake
he won't kiss back, I know. he's got standards, he'd just push away and leave
even though his gf slept at another guy's house........
yeah I don't think he would 😬 maybe just talk to him though
wait what
are you lying? why?
lolol I saw Kay's messages
nope not lying, she did
holy fûcking mother balls
that's a joke
it's real
this guy Jake
sometimes I just want to punch him but I can't
so what did she do at the guy's house?
me 2 and
who knows
alllllllright guys let's shift this over to messages
come on
yeah I knew she'd read it
sorry Jake
it's okay Andy
sorry your relationship has ruined your family
alright Andy
come on, al, you know better. delete this
deny it, Jake. I dare you
tell her to come on next week
I'll delete it. let's just stop, Andy
just go
yeah, Ali, you have to come, please
why would I want to go anywhere you'd be sęxting your AppGirl?
Andy just stop, let's just stop
your family and friends miss you
give us the dāmn respect we deserve for once in a year
I'm not sęxting her, we don't even know what's going on w the relationship as of rn
yeah Andy, maybe you should just go
when have I not respected you?
you don't respect your family
you'd put them first if you did. you saw what your gf did, her mom found her messages and she was ready to jump ship on your relationship. that's family loyalty 😂 bad girlfriend, but family loyalty
YOU'RE NOT YOUR DAD IF YOU WALK OUT ON A RELATIONSHIP THAT IS RUINING YOUR LIFE. your dad walked out on an innocent woman, which is NOT what you are doing, bud, so get your act together and do what you need to do.
delete this shít, Alison
I put my family first, Andy, you of all people should know that
no Ali, not yet
then why does Cammi feel like she has to go change herself to impress you?
why does she fûcking feel that way?
because your attention's with your girlfriend. and that's gotta fûcking change. it's got to change
Cammi didn't start smoking and wearing new clothes and makeup to impress me, don't be a tûrd
lol yes she did
she did, Jake
she told me
she doesn't need to impress me
why don't you explain to her that the reason this is happening because every ounce of your appreciation goes into Julia?
I'll talk to her
just delete this
what do you want
take this shīt down
I'll stay home next week, you go to the party
enjoy yourself, I wouldn't want to stand in your way.
I'll take it down once I read it through again
did you talk to Camilla?
no I'm not going if you're not. that's tidiculous
I talked to her
she hates me
she hates the relationship. it was like watching someone throw up, it just came out, text after text about how sad she was and upset and angry
no it doesn't matter. Fynn will drive you
she doesn't hate you. she's just been NEGLECTED
oh Jake
no I don't want Fynn.
Jake you know that if this was Julia's sister/brother she'd jump ship right?? her loyalties lie w her family and friends up in Idaho or wherever the eff she lives
well she shouldn't have told you or Andy or anyone first, she should've told me
i don't want to come if looking at me makes you sick
Idek anymore
maybe she knew it was worthless talking to you because your head's full of some girl we don't even know
there she is, right in her profile pic with some dude in a red flannel
YOU don't make me sick!
I just can't look at you without wanting to go back in time and I am so dámn sorry for everything
well she's talking now
Ali the person in the flannel is Julia
not a guy
I forgave you for it, way back sophomore year. we don't have to keep thinking about it
that's awkward, I thought red flannel person was a guy
so did she say things are okay?
you don't deserve it from me. if anything I don't deserve you
not as a friend, not as anything
no she's pîssed
she said she hates me
that's not true, don't say that
I like this picture btw. I know I didn't mention it before
she doesn't, she just hates your relationship
ty 💖
still like this picture THOUGH I was supposed to be in it and wasn't
❤️ you Jake