We can play


We can play

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hey who do you like
you know it is obvious
I mean before me
Kelli reitz
kill kiss marry. me. Kelli. Sydney myrey
you have to kill one kiss one and marry one
I do not like Sydney she is not cute
not kill kiss and marry it is to wait it out
do you want me to say?
please answer even if Sydney is not cute just kill her then
kill Sydney kiss Kelli marry you
can Maddie play
please please please
why so you can show her this
know to play. duh
I mean no
just can she play
I do not know we are not going anywhere
for a while
send her over please
why our mom will say no
just tell Maddie to text me on pic collage
she said on which one
your account
our parents are leaving right now
dang bye are you going
they are though