Cool sonor characters


Cool sonor characters

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when i Said sonor i meant sonic
cool sonic characters not this name.
if you are wondering..
isint mecha sonic in sonic 3?
that white sonic is mecha sonic! (in this form, also known as silver sonic.)
also, the white sonic is on sonic 2
sonic 3 also includes eggrobo.
also, super tails is in sonic 2 if you use debug and use the "S" monitor, but like super sonic-like tails
so super tails normaly is in sonic 3
segasonic arcade also includes mighty and ray
knuckles' chaotix includes the chaotix (mighty and knuckles has other apearences)
i did not mean to put two knux' on sonic 3..
sonic 2 and cd are in the wrong order..
tails is my totes fav