I'm sorry this is so long. for everyone who's asking what's wrong. my friend relapsed. a guy who I thought was my friend apparently hates me and is afraid of me. an old Internet friend of mine died and I just found out. i can't rant to anyone because my o


I'm sorry this is so long. for everyone who's asking what's wrong. my friend relapsed. a guy who I thought was my friend apparently hates me and is afraid of me. an old Internet friend of mine died and I just found out. i can't rant to anyone because my o

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Hey. I know this is tough and it's hard. I'm not going to say stuff like "Hold on, it gets better, stay strong" because when I'm in this sort of situation, stuff like that annoys me. So I'm just gonna tell you this:There is a heIl of a lot of šhït in this world but if you let it bring you down, it wins. People care. So don't let it get to you, because nothing lasts forever. Nothing good, nothing bad.
I can't guarantee that everything is gonna be okay but I can assure you that you still have people love you like me and I don't even know you. if you ever feel upset I WILL be there for you. and even if I'm not right that minute I'll be there eventually. also I can relate to how you feel. my entire family judges me all the time and (like you said) I'm not suicidal but I can't go on like this anymore. but we can fight our problems together if you want?
Hey, stay strong. I hope you figure everything out and I hope your friend will be okay.
Stay strong hun, life will always find a way to work even if it does take a long time
I'm not going to say something generic like "hold on" or"it will get better"life is unfair unfortunately that's how it is. Just remember we can't change the past only the future.(I wish you good luck and a happy long life)
I've felt so alone too. Not long ago, I found out I was depressed and that led to anxiety which led to self harm and it was a whole mess. if you ever need to talk to someone, please talk to someone even if it isn't me I'm still here by your side too! Life isn't easy and tbh it doesn't always get easier. anyways, just know that you're surrounded by people who love you even if it doesn't seem like so or its just on PC. we are all here for you love!
😭 If you ever need to talk then I'm here 😭❤️
we're all here for ya
u can talk to me.....we seem to be in a similar boat, so might as well stick together. phillions and danasaurs should always stick together 😋👊<- (fist bump)
I hope you feel better❤️ We're always here for you!❤️
Look that's so so terrible. I'm not going to say I know what you're going through, or that I understand, because I don't, but if you ever want to talk, I'm absolutely here for you. I'm so so sorry. I guess some advice I have is let your friend know he's loved and that people will miss him if he commits suicide. I'm so sorry