👑 Ron Weasley 👑


👑 Ron Weasley 👑

29 2
love your account!
Yess!! I'd love to collab!
Can we make a Luna Lovegood collage or a Ravenclaw collage? or anything Harry Potter, since you're the best person to have collab with on Harry Potter obv!
Thanks 😊
yay so do u want to start the collage or do the text?
Ok well I'll start and make a background and when I'm done, I'll remix it and you can add a quote and some effects! And don't worry I literally just started doing collabs!
can u plz follow me ryl29
I remixed the collage for our collab! Now u can add a text and add some other stuff to it!
I'm about to post the collab now! 😊