Saw SO many people asking and I thought it'd be a good idea! Took me over an hour but oh well. Be patient while I remix the collages, there's 10 parts!



Saw SO many people asking and I thought it'd be a good idea! Took me over an hour but oh well. Be patient while I remix the collages, there's 10 parts! HOW TO MAKE A STICKER PACK

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Wow! Unfortunately I don't have time for that. It's really cool though!
Thank you so much! This really helped me!😘💓
thanks you!! i will definitely try this, ive been kinda thinking up sticker pack ideas for a while so?
THANK U!! i had no idea, it took so much work. wow.
hey, I'm making a sicker pack actually
sadly I have no time at all, but this would be super helpful in the future!
omg this looks super complicated 😂😂
I might make one on the weekend! but will they be guaranteed to make my sticker pack an actual pack??
OMG tysm! I will totally be making a sticker pack
I'm low key making a sticker pack and if I get it accepted I'm gonna surprise my friends and tell them to check PC and they're gonna be like WHAT THE HECK WHAT WHY HOW WHAT
but they'll probably be bad:1/ but thanks for the tutorial!!
cool I am ready to learn
That's so complicated! 😂
amazing 💓💓 thanks so much xx