Fonts I Have In Phonto....


Fonts I Have In Phonto....

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I was just wondering how to you get those .... I have that app but I really don't know how to use it lol sorry for the long message
I love that app! I got it too!
follow for follow ??
I'm gonna do this also with my fonts!
Somebody else has the Obelix Pro font 😮
Hey!!! can u go check out my series that I'm starting?? I would really appreciate it!😃☺️
to answer your question yes there is and the other day my contest had finished a I posted the winners and one follower commented the letters w then t then f which is you know bad and she's younger then me just because I know
and haha she never even entered my contest 😂 so I asked her to say sorry which she never did ..... and even aw
oops and other followers said that was a rude and ugly comment but yeah that's one way and sorry If I talk So much 😬