Collage by _FAM_


11 13
I'm so sorry. you ok?
Ya I'm good😂 just a bit sore😖
I hope you get better soon! 😊
😂I told you softball is rough
it's cool it's not ur fault
oh. I could tell lots of story's but we would be here forever😂
dang girl😂well maybe you should see ash in baseball pants😂❤️✨
😂 hold on I'm gonna remix a pic of ash on here
i hope you're ok josie
I'm good! no worries!😂❤️✨
ok good
how are you?
good missing my babe and my bro how bout you
hey bro! sore but ok
awe *looks down*
huh? what's wrong?
i dont really want to talk about it need my sis *cries*
oh come here *holds out my arms to you*
*hugs you nd cries* chloes the only one who can cheer me up
*wraps my arms around you* is it Matt?
*keeps crying*hes gone for two weeks
I'm so sorry*ribs your bacl*
its fine *still crying* i feel like im losing people
hey you aren't loosing anyone. you have me and chloe and Matt and your two kids
thanks and we have three kids lol *looks down* but i feel like im losing my bro
oh I'm sorry your three kids. who Cam?
its fine and yeah *looks down*
I know I'm upset about that too but hey he is leaving for a really really good reason
i know and im gonna struggle for the next two weeks without help
hey I'll help you and so will ash and leah and Dallas
thanks josie i usaully need help around dinner time cuz during the day its just me and mackenzie
ok I can help out a lot then
ok cuz when kayla and matthew get home from daycare they dont want to listen at all
awe they can't be that bad.
kaylas favorite word is no when you tell her to do something but matthew hasnt said his first word yet
aw how cute! well maybe Kayla will start listening better. what time do they get out of daycare?
3:30 depending on the day
oh ok Ya I'll try to help as much as possible
ok when i pick them up from daycare they fall asleep right when we get home
ok just let me know when they get home