when you would look at her you would see this sparkle in her eye, you'd see a cute innocent little girl, but the cute innocent little girl doesnt know what you feel about her, when you look at her you'd get butterflies and you would blush and smile, yet s


when you would look at her you would see this sparkle in her eye, you'd see a cute innocent little girl, but the cute innocent little girl doesnt know what you feel about her, when you look at her you'd get butterflies and you would blush and smile, yet s

22 27
baby boy // rose
*crawls to you*
*opens arms
*crawls on you*
*keeps arms open
*hugs you*
daddddddyy// rose
I want playtime *giggles*
ooooohhhh do youuuu
mhm so badly *whimpers and starts undressing*
*strips completely*
*looks at your body and bits lip
*turns red and spreads my legs*
*kisses down your neck
*moans shutting my eyes*
*lays back slowly*
*kisses more
why haven't you posted*pouts
I don't have a bio baby
make onnneee
I want playtime *pouts*
I want a biooooo
*grumbles and gets dressed*no
why not:(
cause no
your meannnnn:(
fine I'll go home
no nooooo*whines and pulls you into my arms
*growls and pushes you away*
*pouts*stop itttt*holds you
*lays there upset*
you don't love wessss?
I do but you're being annoying
noooooo*kisses your cheek repeatedly
*kisses repeatedly*
*tries not to smile*
*kisses and smiles*babyyyyy
*squeals an giggles*yes daddy!
who's daddy's little girl??*smiles and keeps kissing repeatedly
me me !*giggles*
and who does daddy love?
meee!*kisses you roughly*
*kisses back roughly and smiles
*kisses roughly*
*kisses harder*
*kisses*post a bio
*pulls away and grumbles* no
no*gets up and walks downstairs*leave me alone
you don't mean that
*sits on the couch*
*pouts and plays with hand*ohhhhh babyyyyyy
*goes on my phone*
shush *texts my friend*
baby girllllll
shushhhh*texts then stands*
*runs down*babbbyyyyyyyyy
*goes to my room again and undresses* I'm going out Wes with some friends
nooo stay with meeee
no*slips in a tight blue dress and heels*
stop *hugs you
you can't make me stay unless you tie me down and fxck me till I'm sore and can't walk *goes to the stairs*
mm that sounds amazing*smirks and pulls you back
*gasps and squirms*t-that's not what I meant *turns red*hey hey let me go
*grabs ropes
*gasps and blushes*hey hey no no I have somewhere to go
your not going sweetheart*ties you
*squirms*let me go!
*kisses down your neck*i know you want me
*moans softly shutting my eyes*no no s-stop mm
*sucks while rubbing your sensitive cłit*
*gasps and moans loud*mm fxck baby!*squirms*
*rubs faster and sucks
fūck me daddy!*moans loud struggling*
*smirks and pulls out d
*pants an gulps* I should have never given you that idea *watches*
*smirks and slams my d in you small püssy
*squeals and gasps struggling as the ropes start leaving marks on my wrists*daddy!!
*thrusts fast
*bites my lip hard trying not to moan*mm mm!
*thrusts harder
*cries out and squirms*oh god more!
*pants whimpering*p-please
*thrusts fast
*moans loud panting*I'm so close!
*goes faster
*moans loud squirming and cries out*oh god Wes!*cries out cxmming*
*pants and squirms*mm fxck daddy *hears my phone-8
*grabs it
*answers it*helllooooo
*squirms*hey hey no stop. Mason: hey where is Rose
who's this?*turns away from you
*squirms and kicks*wes! where is rose *grumbles*
I'm not telling you.
*whines*daddy. I can hear her!
shh baby.. and your point is why do you care so much
finger me *whimpers*. *smirks* because I fûcked her
*jumps*daddy what happened..? yes it was amazing she kept moaning my name calling me daddy
*hangs up and gets away from you mad and walks out
daddy I'm tied up help what happened!*squirms* please!
*unties you*have fun with mason I'll pick my stuff up in the morning*walks out
who is Mason!*whimpers and slips on your shirt running after you*daddy don't leave!*cries*
stop*walks outside*i don't know how you can't remember him fùcking you
no one fxcked me! *yanks you back* I've been with you the whole time! please don't leave me
then who the hełł was that
I don't know!*cries* I don't know who that is!
fine leave! *cries running back inside*
*sits on the steps confused
*locks myself in the bathroom*
*rubs eyes
*grabs a blade and cuts*
*knocks on the door
*ignores cutting*
*bangs on door
no!*cuts the. drops the bloody blade*
*kicks down door and looks
*hides my wrists quickly*
*groans*ahow me
*looks up at you*
*looks at it and grabs towels
*wipes the blood and cleans it up
*puts on band aids
*watches you*are you mad at me
*puts more band aids on*i don't know what to believe...who's mason because he sure as héłl sounded like a guy
one of my older brothers friends I think he's always liked me but I turned him down for you*pouts*
*throws the stuff away
I love you and you only I would never cheat
what if you got drunk rose..
no never. and if you're really that upset just fxck me till you feel better *goes to our bedroom*come on
*walks to bed
*lays down*
*lays down next to you
are you going to do it?
you do it
I can't fxck myself daddy you have to fxck me
fùck me then
you have to fxck me daddyyyy
nooo I'm tireddd
fine*pouts an lays back*
*lays back
*lays on my side*
*sniffles tearing up and lays on side
*stretches and yawns then snuggles into you pulling you close*
*sniffles and wipes tears
what's wrong*mumbles into your back*
nothin*sniffles and tries to sleep
tell me please..*mumbles tired*
just the thought of loosing you or you having sèx with someone else hurts me*sniffles
*kisses your shoulder and murmurs* I love only you *kisses up your neck* I promise you that
*hugs gently*
*holds you
*turns you to me an kisses your lips gently*
*kisses back softly
*kisses softly smiling*hmm my baby
*lays my head on your chest*
*kisses your head
*smiles an giggles softly*
*slowly falls asleep*
*kisses your head repeatedly
*kisses down your neck
*smiles softly in my sleep*
*takes off shirt and bra
*lays there and shivers slightly*
*pulls off your panties and puts a blanket over us eats you out
*moans an slowly wakes up*mm *gasps softly and looks around dazed*
*eats out faster
*moans and grips your hair*w-wes!
*pants an moans loud trying to keep my eyes open* I-I'm tired
*shust my legs panting and cxms a little*mm fxck daddy why
*spreads your legs and eats
mm daddy s-stop I'm tired*pants moaning*
go to bed easy*eats
b-but I can't with you*moans arching my back weakly then slumping back* y-you eating me out just just wait till I get up tomorrow
*cxms more and pants*please daddy I keep cxmming I can't I'm so exhausted
*pants an blushes hard* I'm kidding baby
*smiles and eats
*moans loud holding your head*mm
*eats deeper*
I'm gonna cxm again*moans louder*
k-keep going!
don't tell me what to do baby
b-but I want cummies *whines*
*pouts and sits up*
hold onnnnn
no*pouts and crawls away slowly*
stoppppppp. I don't want to fighttt
then let me have cummies!
don't raise your voice princess you know better
*flops on the bed and growls*don't tell me what to do
stop it now.
so sexy *giggles and puts your hand on my throat*fxck me daddy like this
I'm not playing around little girl
*rubs your dxck fast* oh daddy I am, I want you choking my whole you pound my little pxssy
*growls loudly*
mm daddy!*moans quietly giggling* you're so sexy yay
*growls*im not playing!
*rubs you batting my eyelashes*but daddy fxck your little girl
don't use that cute charm on meeee
*uses my puppy dog eyes and says cutely* fxck me hard daddy please
*closes eyes
*pouts and shoves you away*
stop meanie
*crawls away*
*sits on the edge of the bed*
*lays down
*rubs myself and whimpers*
*slaps your hand
*grabs the toy and slides it inside me turning it on low*mm
*growls and takes it out and breaks it
*gasps and backs up fast getting off the bed*
*throws it in trash
*pushes my nightgown looking down*
what's wrong baby
*shakes my head and walks of of the room scared*
*runs after you
n-no no st-stop!
*hugs you from behind
*gets away*no go !*whimpers and backs up against the wall*
babe nooo*pouts and holds you
*squeals and kicks*get away you're scary!
fine then I'll leave*pouts and walks downstairs
w-wait I'm sorry you just scared me *runs after you*
*turns back
*pulls you close* I just wanted playtime and when you broke, the toy it scared me
I'm sowwyyy
it's okay daddy just do it here*blushes*
*gets up on the counter*
*spreads my legs and pulls up my night gown*daddy fxck me till you cxm okay
*blushes*go ahead
*takes d out
*rubs you smiling*
*smiles and watches
*rubs faster*
*whimpers getting wet and rubs harder and faster*
*growls and groans
*rubs it on my clxt and moans rubbing your cxck fast*god that's so hot daddy
*pushes you in me and groans*mm
*lays back*pound away daddy
*gasps and grips your arm moaning*
*moans loudly*
*cries out*
*pounds harder
*groans as my eyes roll back*
*pounds smashing my d harder in you
*screams light groaning*fxck baby yes!
*growls*quiet little girl *pounds
*moans loud*b-but you're pounding me!*throws my head back*
*moans loud and accidentally know dis things off the counter trying to control myself*fxck
what did I say about bad words.*pounds
*cries out and cxms*s-sorry daddy!
*pants blushing*you feel so good inside me
*smirks and takes d out
no no daddy I want more
you told me to stop when you cùm
no daddy when you cxm *giggles*
oooohhh*puts it back in
*giggles then moans*
*moans loudly*mm mm!
*smirks and pounds and cumś
*moans loud and wraps my legs around you tight*dont stop!
*moans loudly and scratches at your back*oh fxck daddy you're so deep
*growls*what did I just say about bad words!
*moans loudly and pants* y-you're pounding me I can't help myself
stop saying them.
I-I can't *whines* just keep going
yes you can.
keep going daddy!
don't tell me what to do pet.*sucks on your neck
*moans and holds onto your hair* mm I'm daddys pet now?
you've always been*sucks
*moans and squirms* daddy I want to be pounded
sh pet.*sucks more
*moans whining*