This should be fun. Feel free to ask me any questions


This should be fun. Feel free to ask me any questions

16 8
I'll totally do this!
I am so hyped for this!!
well I entered... hope that meets the contest rules
re//: okie, what should the collar be about? (ill enter this contest too)
;-; sowy meh entry has nu triangles 😔
//Re: Comment: I'll enter for sure, I just don't have the time now. >~<; just don't hurt me, you can have my money, but not my soul.
okie ill figure something out •3• thank chu :33
I'm sorry, mine isn't as great as the others uhm...I'm gonna just stop entering contests now? Yea? Okay.
This looks super fun!!! Is it only for edits or can we submit art as well?
ookay cool! I think I might do edits tho! :D
sorry if meh re-entry ish worse ;-; i ish was rushing a bit (>人<;)
re// okie x3 thank chuu
I-Is I-it too l-late to enter?