Collage by forgotten-


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hey cutie I am Mackenzie
hey ash i’m maleah <3
i’m doing pretty good thank you :) how are you ?
literally nothing :( i’m bored out of my mind
of course.. hmm how does the beach sound?
i say we get in the water*smiles and looks at you*
*nods gently as i reach into my bag, pulling out a blue bikini*
thank you*smiles and walks to the bathroom, closing the door behind me*
*changes and ties my hair up, before walking back out as i wait for you*
yessir let’s go*smiles and grabs my sunglasses, walking towards the door*
*smiles and walks out*thank you
let’s walk it’s only about a three minutes away
sorry I didn’t see your bio lol but hey :)
omg i missed you </3
i hope your day is pretty good and i'm sorry i deleted my account
this app is kinda boring
are you well? are you okay? are you fantastic?
just checking before i don't get worried
ashton, are you sure? just alright?
i'm here if you ever need to talk
well i'm getting tired
so goodnight
missed you </3