When you write a song about how you screw everything up but then remember you still suck and the writing did nothing but embarrass you even though no one saw it so you have another reason to hate yourself


When you write a song about how you screw everything up but then remember you still suck and the writing did nothing but embarrass you even though no one saw it so you have another reason to hate yourself

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aW DUDE I'M SO SORRY but honestly that reminds me of myself because i always screw up friendships
^apparently me too
yo dude so I'm doing this thing, like all of those pc parties that people throw, yeah, I'm doing one of those, and yes, I know it sounds stupid, but they're actually kind of fun. I'll remix you the formal invitation
Heyyy!!! I'm hosting a Band Games and you would be perfect for Team MCR!! You should enter if you want to!! (btw I'm not forcing u or anything I'm just lookin for people who would be great in one of the teams 😂) Sry if u hate self-sponsoring because I don't like it either but here I am doing it myself! 😂
so that party thing is being changed to the 9th, same times and all, but just a day earlier. ok?got it?BYYYYYYYYYEE