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Rate 1-10 in comments/remixes! Thanks if you do!

Question of the day:(I'm gonna add this to daily collages)
What is your fave book/book series? 
Answer in comments/ remixes!

If you read all the way down, comment with "•_•" for a follow!


☄tap here☄ Rate 1-10 in comments/remixes! Thanks if you do! Question of the day:(I'm gonna add this to daily collages) What is your fave book/book series? Answer in comments/ remixes! If you read all the way down, comment with "•_•" for a follow!

61 1
•_• And also my favorite book series is The Chocolate Box Girls 🎀 Love your acc
Either Harry Potter or Percy Jackson/ Heroes of Olympus
PJO/HoO was my first fandom series that I fell in love with and the Harry Potter fans and community is just fab
omg it's fob