


26 1
*whispers back* O-Orbi
*is shaking slighty*
*WELL HELLO ORBI!! I AM THE MAGNIFICENT SANS!! And you might want to keep your distance with Papy right now...
*nods shyly* *smiles shyly* *is still shaking from being surprised*
*Its ok ORBI! We'll be fine I just to explain this to Papy, then afterwards you can accompany Ella and I to the surface!!
w-would she mind? I-I wouldn't want to bother you or her *elven ears droop down in sadness*
WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOURE HER BOYFRIEND!?! AND WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO WHEN YOU LEAVE!! JUST LEAVE ME HERE ALONE!?! *starts to tear up and one eye starts to glow and a gaster blaster appears*
<<eyes widens>> *Paps... I-I love her... Ella, I'd do anything for her. And of course I'm her boyfriend... But I never thought about leaving you! <runs towards pap and hugs him tight>>
*hugs blue <my nickname for blueberry> from behind* *is shaking a lot out of fear*
<puts reassuring hand on Orbi's shoulder> *Pap... I'm sorry come with us!
*calms down slightly* *looks up at papyrus slightly scared he'll starts yelling again*
*wakes up in the snow* w-what happened?
*hears a voice* *slightly gets scared* *hugs him tighter*
h-hey! that's my......*gets mad* blue your cheating on me!
YOUR CHEATING ON ME! *gets up and throws something on the snow* FRICK YOU! *turns around run away*
!! *lets go instantly* n-no!! he's not!! p-please...h-he still loves you! j-just...*is really scared* p-please....don't...hurt...me
*object hits me in the head* *falls to the ground* *sits up and rubs my head* *tears up*
*screams at top of lungs* *starts crying while walking away*
*jumps* *hides behind blue again* *is shaking violently*
<looks around and runs towards Ella> * Wait Ella!! No I'm not! I just met Orbi!!!
*starts to sob in hands* this is all my fault....I ruined your relationship....*ears droop all the way down*
*ignores and is still crying*
*runs in the forest and sits down by a tree* my secret tree.....where I tell everything that is napping today *whispers to the tree* it's l-like an echo flower but....a tree.....*curls up into a ball*
I'm really sorry blue....
*starts to shake in coldness* I-I'm s-so cold....*grabs a blanket behide the tree*
*starts to tear up* why would he do this.....I thought he loved me
*screams silently* I do love you.....
*Ella?! <looks around the forest> Ella!!
*Ella please! Come back!! I love you!!
*falls on hands and knees crying* I ruin everything....I lose everyone....I'm worthless *tears fall on the ground as I'm shaking*
*sees blue*......blue?
*gets up* is....is that y-you?
<Looks around and sees her> *Ella!! There you are!
<wraps arms around her> *Im so sorry!
*hugs back* it's ok..... *hears the secret tree start talking what I said to it* ....huh? that's strange, it never end did that before
tree: "hey, it's me again.....here my day was different....I met the most cutest boy today! he is sans but I call him blue. blue was nice to me and let me hangout with him. then I stabbed myself thinking that he didn't want to be with me. but he did! then there was cutting my arm and he healed it!.....but now he's cheating on me....I'm kinda upset but no matter what.....I will always be there to protect blue"
....*looks at blue*.....
I-it's true *kneels down* as a royal person I promise to protect you from anything
*gets up* *sniffles* well...I guess I don't deserve friends (this is not true about me!! this one part of my personality) *sits in the snow shivering from the cold* *ignores the fact that I'm cold*
....no, you do! *hugs you* I'm sorry I got mad at you. I just thought you and blue loved each other and I got over the top. I'm sorry
I-it's ok....*sniffles*
<random papyrus in 3, 2, 1> I have no idea what's going here but I'm over it! * turns around and stomps toward his room*
*smiles* no l-lets go *helps you up* ok blue...I'm ready to serve my legacy
I made a promise to him that I will protect him ever where he goes. and I'm a royal so....I need to do it
*smiles* it's runs in the family
o-oh....*is cold but ignores it*
here *gives my blanket* you need it
I-I'm good thanks *lightly pushes the blanket away*
no! *pushes back softly* you need it more then me
O-ok *takes blanket* *wraps it around myself* *sighs*
*sighs* o-ok *hesitantly takes the blanket*
now let's go! *turns around and sees blue is missing* um....where did he go
*is shaking again* b-blue?!
nonononononononononono *looks around* b-blue! where are you? *shakes and starts to cry* don't leave me
c-calm down....h-h-he'll show up *to self* I hope...
*AWWWW HUMANS AND THEYRE ADORABLE MAKE UPS!!! 💙💙💙<Holds out hand> *Lets go!!
what.....ok let's go *holds his hand* and I'll protect you *smiles*
<pull you away for a moment> *Um Ella, I would like to ask you something... 💙
*smiles slightly* *gets up with blanket around me* *looks down* (in this I'll be depressed)
<smiles lightly at Orbi then turns back to Ella > *Ella... would you...
*smiles shyly back* *looks ahead*
wait where exactly are you going?
*jumps and hides behind blue scared*
*I think we're going to the surface Paps, but um I'm in the middle of something with Ella right now...
*Its ok Orbi he won't hurt you!
well I'll have you know I'm not coming to the surface with you
o-oh s-sorry...I've been...jumpy lately *laughs nervously*
b-but papyrus...wouldn't you g-get *gets sad* l-lonely
<Kisses Ella on the forehead and turns to Pap> *Paps... what do you mean? you have to come! Your my bro... 💙😰
please come with us *tries to smile*
whatever... *turns back around and keeps walking towards his room*
*tears up and looks down*
*PAP! please you gotta go with us!! <<if I take long I'm sorry I'm at school>>
(oh it's ok)
* ignores and keeps walking*
*chokes up* p-please....
<runs up to Papy> *PLEASE!!
*walks into his room and slams the door shut*
*sits on the floor as tears fall on the ground* *this is my fault...
*yells from his room* it's not YOUR fault...
*gets scared* !!
*yells from room again* if you guys are gonna leave then just go already!
*sighs* look papyrus...I know you're upset that your bro is leaving and a
ummmm Orbi?? *opens the door very confused*