...I discovered in class that I have trouble seeing different shades of red and pink... I'm sorry if I've used the wrong shade of red in any of my collages! 😬


...I discovered in class that I have trouble seeing different shades of red and pink... I'm sorry if I've used the wrong shade of red in any of my collages! 😬

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aw...this is sick! and that's okay...red and pink are similar.
How it happened: I was coloring in my friend's coloring book in study hall and she pointed put that I was coloring a freaking rose orange πŸ˜‘ I have no idea how many other mistakes I've made and I hope I haven't completely humiliated myself.
I like orange roses. they exist. have one sitting outside.
this song is my shiDiGglE yes πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ˜
And I have trouble seeing between browns and greens... you are not alone frand πŸ˜‚β€οΈ
β€½ β€½
you are beautiful #nicerinternet
support the hashtag
I have the same problem except with blue, black and purple. I found this out in art and I was like, 'where's the blue?' I picked up what I thought was blue and my friends were like, 'dude, that's purple' so I picked up another blue and they said that was black so I had to get the blue for me. πŸ˜‚ turns out I'm mildly colour blind